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Saturday, October 30 ♥

Over The Moon

Hmm..there's a couple of things i wanna mention in this post about yesterday..or rather..a list.Ok lah. Rather make it a list coz it wud be so long whinded. But these things are equally significant n worthwhile experiencing.

1) P6 Orientation:
- Well done
- Ended early
- YooHoo!!
2) Performance at Yishun-Schools' Out Party- PM visit
- Unexpectedly marvellous (Puji seh..)Hey.. only 1 week of music arrangement, assembly n practice ok~ BRAVO!!
3)The 1st group of students who boldly volunteered to dance on the centre stage...wee hee..
4)Had the chance to shake hands with PM LEE!!
5)Was the only person,in the mob, who was greeted by the Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Mr Hawazi Daipi. " Which school are you from?" ....haha..at least something. I think he recognized my face when he presented the OARS Award for me. Hmm..
6)Ok. Tell u abit of story here..
The band members were actually busy packing up the instruments when the Lucky draw took place. I didn't give a damn bout it n juz passed the lucky draw slip to Collin. He was the one who collected the prizes for the winners. I was still busy then.
We won the top 2 prizes: Bicycles, n some stupid prizes like baby toys n car racing thingy. The second prize was Collins' whereas the first prize..without owner. So brought the bicycles back to school. How cud we possibly ride dem home? Yishun to S'wang..can ah..but dangerous.So we took dem with us.in the bus....??
Upon reaching school, in the band room,
Mdm Tan : Hey! Lucky Draw slip no. 046 n 048! Who ah?? Bicycle..dowan ah?
Farhanah: Wah..lucky no. lucky people seh...who ah???(Still didn't really care bout the bicycle..so..went to the storeroom n kept my Trumpet.)
Farhanah: Eh? Wat was my no. ah?? Hey..i think mine eh...
Mdm Tan: U sure or not? Where's ur slip?
Farhanah: With Collin!! He went home!! Aiya..nvm ah..anyone want the bicycle..take ah..
(Err..wat's her name?): Eh! You lah! U sat beside me! Mine is 045! Shud be u ah!046!
Farhanah: Ah! Me ah! Sure ah! 046? Oh..! YA YA YA!! First prize ah! WAKHKAKHAA!!

Going once! Going Twice! The top prize goes to FARHANAH!!! But..bicycle..ah! Nvm ah!
First time seh won the top lucky draw prize..Uncontiously winning it somemore..aiyo..

7)Saw myself in the Malay News, Channel i news n Channel 5 news! A snippet of me shaking hands with PM lee n....DANCING!! AHHHHH!!!!!! PAISEH AH!!!! NATIONAL TELEVISION YOU NOE!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well well well....7 good things dat happened. 7: nice number though.. 29 October 04:Shall remain as the 'Lucky Day'..
Last word.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-3:23 PM-

Friday, October 29 ♥


Had band prac...or rather..rehearsal today for tml's performance. Wasn't satisfying enuff... therefore..no confidence for tml...erghhh!! Worst still, my blowing. Horrendous man..It sounded like some beginner playin...By rite, almost 8 yrs playin the Trumpet. It wasn't only me larrr...donno wat went wrong with the rest of us oso..Huzaimi's drum solo sounded so chaotic...the rest, like robot..suddenly became so stiff. Had to tell Xin Yu tat her rhythm was wrong..but i'm afraid tat it sounded more like scolding..sheesh..After a few rounds of rehearsal, i was then told tat i'm suppose to turn up for P6 Orientation tml. I tot i don have to b'coz of the performance but.. ARGGHHH!!! SPOIL MY MOOD ONLY LAH! Dowan to perform oredi ah!!Tiring seh..7.15 to 12 orientation.. promote scool, promote CCA...2.30 assemble back in band room..bring all the HEAVY instruments to the venue...6 pm performance...HUALAO! Boeh pengsan orrr...Then when to practice for the last time!!?? Juz now's prac dah lah KOYAK... Then donno wat went wrong with me after tt. Showed off my temper...as in tt kind of facial expression lah..u noe lah..then strutted off...slammed the door open...N the door slammed me back! ARWWWRRGHHH!!! Padan muke aku. Tunjuk perasaan sangat kan..But really seh..who wudn't get pissed ? Fasting summore...ok lah..ok lah...CO..BA..AN....Juz face it lor..If i collapse..no Prince wud come n be my savior.
How to put up a good show like this!!!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-1:33 AM-

Wednesday, October 27 ♥

3.54 AM+ Some history..

Woa..3.54 AM..Juz woke up from the 8 PM sleep..So early ah..Hmm..usually i'll sleep btw 12-3am. But dis time..I mean..EVERYTIME...when i juz lay down on my bed, i'll fall asleep. So......GOSH! I MISSED SOME SHOWS ON DA TV!! ERGGHHH...Everytime like dat one noe..Worst still when it's exam period, I juz find myself not comfortable studying on the table. So, decided to study on BED! N...I SLEPT! I DIDN'T STUDY!! Well..i did larr...luckily the light was still on n i cud 'somehow' wake up n skimmed thru my notes. Juz 'skim thru'???Hmm..it works. Haha..donno how larr..I'm not talkin bout 'N' Levels u noe..It's the examS n testS b4 N Levels...LUC..KY...AH...
Well, for 'N's, the day b4 my MT paper, went to watch some performances near Orchard MRT..well ..not supposed to, but my Bro was performin..so..muz watch. For EL n Hist. paper...woa..the day b4 dat, had to attend kenduri...EL at least not so bad arr..wat to study? HISTORY..aiyo...the 'glance thru' case again.Sheesh..N wat happened?? As soon as we get the paper on the exam day..everyone started tilting n turnin their head, lookin at each other. For me, worst, like want to scream n yell out of anger n cry ah! Ms Lee oredi narrowed down the topics to study:Germany,China,Russia. But i studied GERMANY ONLY!! N IT DIDN'T COME OUT!! I actually dared to do tt for National exam.Well..it certainly gave me a lesson:
BIG MISTAKE=BIG LESSON. Not to do tat for O Levels oledi ah....better study all topics ah..So, had no choice but to do China. I actually managed to answer tt. At least to answer..better than blank..duh..N at tat nite, Ms Lee called me. She was really dissapointed wit me lah..Out of the A1 students, it was only me who dared not to study. I mean..really seh..it's the process of studying tt counts wat...(Like as if i revised the subject months b4 tt like tt). Well..at least i paid attention in class..
For combined science, no choice, go Civics library study lor..study at home will sleep liao..BUT I SLEPT IN THE LIBRARY OSO!!!HAHA! Ok ah..for a short while only. But i was alone...Who cares larr. The ppl beside me oso like wanna sleep oledi..
DnT paper...aiyo...the day b4 tt oso..WENT FOR GIG! Yeah..ANOTHER GIG...A BIG GIG! Big?
My bro's band performed ah...Aiya...basically whenever he performs i surely watch lah..All the local bands were there. But out of the crowd...RUDE GIRL LAH RUDE BOY LAH, SKINHEAD LAH.. BOTAK HEAD LAH. Headbanging n moshing all the way sampai mcm nak gado.Skali when this band was playin a very nice newage metal song,this ppl mosh here mosh there...the scene got worst n the band was stopped by the organizer.
Organizer:"HEY HEY! Relax! We are here to enjoy! Plz..respect the others! We have all genres here. Whether you are SkinHeads or Punkers or whoever SHIT you are...plz..respect the others! OK. Enjoy!!"
One of the SkinHeads:"GUA TAK HAPPY AH!!
Haha! See lah.Cause trouble oni noe..dah kene marah ngan organizer. PADAN MUKE!! WHAHAH! Itu Apek gi PAO ah...sampai police semue dtg. The organizer smart ah. Chose a place, Simei CC, beside NPC! HAHA! BAIK AH..
Anw....ahhh!!! The following day.. DnT PAPER!!! AHHH!!

Why am i talking bout tis?? Exam's over na dey.... ok ok.
Therefore..the point i wanna make is...for me n may be for some of u..dat..do not ever sit on ur bed provided u noe tat u're gonna sleep...OK?

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-3:54 AM-

Monday, October 25 ♥


Haha..the 2nd post for today...Nuttin to do arr...
Well yesterday, went for Madrasah in da mornin. The 1st lesson in Ramadhan,n i was expecting loads of interestin discussion bout the Fasting month arr..but.. we had to memorize the Hadith!Not to complain..but sheesh..My Ustazah was like, "Tengah puase tak payah lah saye nak berbuih..Lagipon nak kat exam, jadi saya nak awak hafal hadith.Senang sikit..balik rumah tinggal blajar yg lain kan.." Ape-ape larrr..
Zul:"Alah..Ustazah..Tak boleh hafal arr.."
Uztazah:"Alah.Ape susahnyer..Tengah puaselah lagi boleh hafal..Ohh..Ntah-ntah awak banyak dosa tak?.Sebab tu tak boleh hafal!Atau pusat awak yg tak bersih.."
Zul:"A'ah..pusat tak bersih pon tak bersih lah..berkarat lagi ade."
When he was asked to read the Hadith without lookin at the paper, he read it thru his VideoPhone!
Ustazah:"Awak bace dari paper eh?Ape yg awak tengok?"
Zul:"Takderlah! Saye nak SMS ah!"
Banyak kau nyar SMS..Bulan puase nak bedek. Lantak kau lah..
But i was really proud of myself larr(ehem!)...The 1st person who managed to memorize the whole extract! Yay!! Haha..but had to read dat out loud for the whole class. The others was expecting me to memorize juz half of it...but..YAY!!Haha..ok. Enuff of boasting..

A few hours after tat, went to Johore wit the whole family. Smangat nah. Ambik baju raya dah siap da..Mak ai...I tot the costume wud look rather simple, but, gosh! Mata silau seh tengok..There are golden complements on the costume itself. Didn't expect it to look so shining to tat extent.Mane mate tak silau? Abeh abg dah belikan kain..takkan tak buat baju seh..dier ingat aku nie nak kahwin ke ape? Shine-shine all the way...

Went shopping in Angsana shopping centre till Maghrib n tot of doin the prayers at the Surau there. Yes, there is a surau in the shopping centre.I was expecting ppl to get ready for prayers or wat larr..but Ya Allah..everyone in the Lady's surau was gettin ready to break fast! But, in the Surau?? I mean, yes, there is some Surau where u can eat together. But not in a place where ppl want to do their prayers in a case where they want to do it quick n rush off?N the room was quite small summore..Kalau makan sendiri-sendiri takper jugak.Paham-paham ah bulan puase.Tapi ni makan macam ade kenduri!N according to my mum, she even saw someone changing a baby's diapers in there..Aiyo..We cudn't even squeeze in to do our prayers.Orang ade lar macam bagos..tak nak buka puase dulu..adelah kite rush pegi surau tu..skali ni macam.. But really, eating in the surau?? Ohh...Convenient sangat per...Apa daaa...........

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:15 PM-


Finally...I'm done with all the changes in this blog.Well..actually it existed since June. There were only 2 posts.Both are CRAPS.Those who read it didn't understand a single thing. Even i don't.It goes sumthing like...
"I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend.I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them and, you know it makes me sick to be on that list.But I should have thought of that before we....nevermind.." Story zaman mane sak...
And another was..
"At the end of the day I was too tired to sleep.
And then I woke up.The sun's on my face.I'm stretchin' while i was sayin'"It's a Brand New Day!"

BLUEK~~WAT THE SHIT!! Reflects on my own lame stupidity man...But watever it is..I'M WITH A PROPER ONE NOW!!!! YAY!!

Had been spending quite sometime on the extreme modification of the layout though.Coz i didn't have the right mood to post my own thoughts!Mind me for all the lameness of this blog..HEE..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-10:25 AM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

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