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Friday, November 26 ♥

Unity Is Strength

I'm physically psyched up right now. Had band camp for the past 3 days, but it's definitely less tiring then the past year's camp coz we were thoroughly enjoying musical training in the air-conditoned room..so lesser time spent under the hot mornin n afternoon sun.
Now, the band's goin full force preparin for next year's SYF. Yeah...n that would be our first time enterin SYF. Yeah! Canberra Secondary School's Band goin for SYF!! YAY!! At last!
And...instead of playin the Trumpet, now I'm playin the French Horn. Yea..it's a real nice instrument actually..but..I STILL MISS MY TRUMPET!! UWEK!!
Trumpet section, full house ah. Alah...give chance to the new members ah. So.. i'm playin a new instrument for a competition. Yea..after 8 years of playin the Trumpet. Aww...Nvm...Nvm...I will still give my best shot. So...i hope to produce a better sound for the French Horn, n the Trumpets can tone down on the blastings...wahahah!
The 3 days were great! Not the games. Not the practices. Not even the camp itself. But the endless surge of energy n spirit towards team work. It was magnificent! Bravo!!Hip Hip! Hurray!!
Now i realise that i'm mentally psyched up. I took almost 2 hrs to complete this. Nyahahah! I was writing rubbish lah.. I think this final draft sounds better. N i'm off to ZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! Tired oledi lah!! 2 nites of "Sleep on the tables---so hard", wat do u expect! Get back my pillows!!! ZOOM!!

Wait wait..last word..ONE BAND!!!ONE SOUND!!! ONE..............SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:01 PM-

Wednesday, November 17 ♥

Hari Raya these few days have been a'lil bit fun... but its NOT tiring at ALL cos we went visiting to only a few houses. For the 1st day of Raya,after only 1 house, my dad's stomach was like 'butterflies n hurricanes'.So we proceeded to 2 more houses after that n went home...so borriiinnggg...n reached at 8.30 pm.
5 houses the following day...n 1 house yesterday........Money Matters? Oh..not to worry..coz i'm not really lookin forward to that 'Yusof Ishak' face..chey ...chey..pegi blah ah..macam real jer..

Hey ppl!!I'm in a search of Cheese Biscuit! Anyone has this ?? Give me a call n i'll come rite away------Eh..eh..Joking joking. I've been lookin for this but still...No Cheese Image Found. ??? Nvm..
That's all for now..Chaoz!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:22 AM-

Thursday, November 11 ♥

Feeling Down??

Ok, here's something you can do if you are feeling down. You know, when you are just having 'one of those day's' when everything seems make you feel bad.. well first sit alone and think to yourself.. what makes me happy? What are the things that make me smile? And once you know what those things are, then think about them. Second, think to yourself, what makes me special? What am I good at? And these things will come to you as well... Finally, think of all your family, and all your freinds and realise how special you are, and yell out loud, I am awesome! and you have proof that you are because you have all that info stored in your head about what makes you happy and why you are special! Trust me, it works!

It didn't work??

OK. Try this.

Wait. Make sure you have your sound up.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-4:31 PM-

Monday, November 8 ♥

When to trust. When not to.

I was waitin for the train to arrive when this Chinese guy, in his late 20s, who looks like an 'Ah Beng' approached( givin me tt "You shud pity me" face). His voice was barely audible. I thought he said,"I'm a robber.I want to rob you."But no lah.He said, "Excuse me,Miss. I have a problem." (Then in my heart was like,"Wah. An Ah Beng consulting me?Wat. U want me to beat up somebody?") Givin him my typical 'furious lookin face' n 'an eyebrow up', I replied, "Problem like......?"(Actually i wanted to say 'What's ur problem?' But it's kinda rude lah..) Then he continued," Later... i'm goin to work.. at Ang Mo Kio.. n have to get back at 11 o'clock(pm)...(N bla bla bla..I don noe wat else he murmured lah.) So i need $4. Can u help me, Miss?" No hesitations for me. So i juz said,"Sorry. I can't help u." (Wat do u expect? To trust him?) He didn't say anything but looked deep into my eyes(although his eyes seemed to be half-closed..but still..sca..riee..) n prowled away. Then he approached another man..then another man..n another..The train arrived..n wat else? Hop in ah!

I was still deciding where to go...Bugis? Orchard? Bugis? Bugis? Bugis? Well..i ended up in Orchard lah. Hehehe. At Orchard underpass towards Scotts , i felt like there's someone runnin after me. Yarr..i was rite..There's this girl who ended up walkin beside me. She said,"Excuse me Miss. @#$5#%??"; advertisements =8&4#2!+ model &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;&$#2hh*&*company..^654$$@%#52".
"Hey hey..wait wait..wat were u sayin again? I don get u.." n juz continued walkin..
"Our company's lookin for models for advertisements n magazines. @34!+*** bla bla bla$5^&* Are you interested?"
Hah? Model? Advertisements? Magazines?? Wait let me recall..How did i walk?Err.. super fast..Tall? Models:1.68 m n taller.No.I'm shorter than dat. Wat was i wearin? T-shirt.Jeans. ???
"Is this a free-lance thing or wat?"
"Yes it is. We'll give u a call."
Ok. Once again. Not to trust strangers. (Ok lah. I'm capable of judging ppl)So..i said"Ok."
"Ok.Ur name plz?"
N she also asked for my number n age.(Aiya..juz my number n age..Wat can she do to cheat me? Prank calls?Ok.. maybe when i attend the photoshoots or something..Just make sure it's a legalized modellin/advertisements company.Check with the police if i want to..Where the photoshoots are held, make sure it's not isolated.If they want me to wear something very the very the open..I can juz pull myself out..If they ask for money..aiya..still call the police lah.)
"Ok btw I'm Pamela. Nice meetin you.."
So we shook hands n....oFF I gOOO... but still thinkin..."Me?? Model??"........?????Wait. How if i really get cheated...Alamak..i shudn't! Bad things really happen...Nvm. Take everything positive, n maybe if tt Pamela calls me, juz say i'm no more interested lah..

Ok. I was alone.Yes, walkin around Orchard road, alone..Alah..juz lookin for some stuffs ..Wat. U find it awkward? Paisey? Heh. I ain't give a damn!

Eh? Did i give tt Pamela girl the correct number??

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:31 PM-

Friday, November 5 ♥

Go for it or Forget it.

Someone messaged me last nite sayin dat he needs a female singer for a Hari Raya show end of this month. A duet supported by 12 or more guys...Isn't tt Dikir Barat?? But he said "It's not totally Dikir Barat. It's like a musical, with a sketch,accordion,tabla,rebana..n awok-awok..(Kalau da awok2 tu DK barat kan??) Anyway..i'm interested, but the trainings are on every saturday, at nite, startin frm tomorrow.But it's in Bedok!!(Kau...Ingat aku ade kapal terbang ke ape..Kalau siang takpe jugak..nie malam.Pergi Johor lagi dekat.)But the problem is..do i have the full commitment? N the days before the actual performance, i have Band Camp. Tired seh like dat..i tink i'd lose my voice ..I have to give my decisions by tomorrow.. But the thing is..I can't decide!Whenever my parents n brothers get to noe tt i'm performin a Singing item, they will be like smilin n excited bout it. But this time round, when i told dem bout tis, my dad kept askin me questions like "How many songs? Who's playin? Where is the performance held? No pay ah?" N i cudn't answer tt b'coz i haven't attend the training! N my brother was like.." Alah..kalau dah awok2 tu dikir barat lah.." I mean...his tone was like suggestin dat performin with Dikir Barat is so kental lah... So how? If i perform, at least i have some exposure in singin n performin experiences. But my family...like happy not happy like dat...(Kalau takde restu keluarge buat ape kan..) HOW?? I have to give my answers by tomorrow!! How??? To join.Not to join. (Hey ! I still haven't decide whether to take part in the Singin Competiiton!) Wah.. the most difficult task: To decide.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:25 PM-

Thursday, November 4 ♥


1) Jammin Session- First single- ' I Wanted All'- [Music by:-Haziq][Lyrics by:-Anoy & Haziq(Dis guy did the 1st line only..hehe ..n wat he noes is " I wanted all..ah..ah..ah...I wanted all..ohh ohh ohh..n the rest of the craps are by me.. Hee..)

2)Continue my Shopping Spreeeee....Alamak..budget ah...

3) Hari Raya!!- Ku menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya tersilap kata dan bahasa, atau pukul ketuk kau dengan sengaja...

4) Annual Band Camp 04- Seize my last opportunity: Harsh treatments for Free!! Enjoy while they last.

5)Singing Competition-Pertandingan Nyanyian Lagu Melayu Asli 2004 anjuran Taman Warisan Melayu- Registration Form still BLANK- Shud I join... Shud I not....
18 December 2004(Qualifying),12 February 2005(Semi-Finals),26 February 2005(Finals)
This is a talent competition designed to test the skills of each participant to sing a pre-select group of traditional songs like Lela Manja and Sri Mersing. As an added challenge, participants will be accompanied by a live orchestra.( Rembat arr..)

6) Part-Time performer - Together with 2 guitarists(My Bro n Malon)-Still considering...

7)BackUp singing for Aegyptie-Live at Esplanade- Still waitin for offer lah..hee.. for the moment..Catch Aegyptie-Live at Esplanade-12 December 04-Donno wat time..

8)Waitin for my N Level Results....AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:32 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

*October 2004*
*November 2004*
*December 2004*
*February 2005*
*March 2005*
*April 2005*
*May 2005*
*June 2005*
*August 2005*
*October 2005*
*March 2006*
*April 2006*
*May 2006*
*June 2006*
*July 2006*
*August 2006*
*September 2006*
*October 2006*
*August 2007*
*April 2008*
*May 2008*
*June 2008*
*July 2008*
*August 2008*
*September 2008*
*October 2008*
*November 2008*
*March 2010*
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*June 2010*