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Friday, December 31 ♥

Blink Blink

Woo Hoo..!! 1 hr 54 minutes to 2005..Woa..I'm gonna miss 2004 man..
Well..I'm happy!
I felt tired and weak for the past 3 days..coz i was sick n still attended band practices.Hmm..And yesterday..went to Singapore Conference Hall to watch my Primary School's band concert-IMPREZZ II. The concert was starting at 7.30 pm but yet,it took me till 6 pm yesterday to decide whether or not to go.Well..at least i did..

The concert was really impressive..I was like *gasp* when the band played 'Crazy In Love' by Beyonce Knowles as the opening song..WOW!!Better still..they memorised the piece n danced to the music!Brilliant man! And the closing,'Bring Me To Life' by Evanescence..WOW WOW!! And i had no worries about how well they wud play those pieces..coz..Hey! They clinched the GOLD Award and was placed in the TOP THREE Primary School Concert Bands in Singapore..WOW WOW WOW!!

And the most interesting part is, when they were playin 'Hot Latin',a medley of Latin songs. One of those Latin songs was'I Need To Know' by Marc Anthony..and the band actually shouted a 'SPECIAL' phrase as the intro for tt particular song..U noe wat was it?
They actually shouted 'MAMI POKO PANTS'!!

All in all, the concert was magnificent!! I'm so proud to be the alumni of that band..
Wahahah!! Hey..nuttin's goin on btw me n him larr..But he's still young thou..not married summore..hehe..Hahah! He's my favourite conductor/instructor lah! My instructor, my teacher, my friend, my brother!! Hee..I juz miss being in that band lah..Especially with the other alumnis..I was sparkling when i met dem last night..Haaahhh...such pleasant moments.. *On cloud 9*

Today..had the last jammin session of the year. Hmm..another pleasant one. We played our own originals..1st song,'I wanted all' is finalised. We also completed on the latest song 'It's over' in only a few hours..woo..n comin up,'Don't Let Go'..still on the run..
Wah..can perform for a gig oredi lah..we have our own repertoire..hehe.. *Juz Dreamin*
Hmm..some of u muz be thinkin "Eleh..macam bagosss jerrr.." Well well well....hmm..well..hmmmm...haiz..nvm..

Hmm..The best End-Of -Year treat for me man..
I love 2004!!
Things went positive this year..Bringing up n leading the band was successful..The Band peepz love me!! Hahaha!Rite? Rite? Hehe. Winning a prestigious award,The All rounder students' award.Passing my N levels.Meetin mmoooree n moorree new friends.Creating NO enemy.Hehe..

Well..lookin forward for 2005..hoping for the better..for the best..for excellence..


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-10:06 PM-

Monday, December 27 ♥

Pathetic man..

Monday..Monday..Monday..Boring day? Neh..Err..yeah it is.Heh.
In the morning.
I woke up.
Ate Nasi Lemak..but the Nasi got no lemak.
Don't ask me why.
You still wanna noe why?
Ok.The rest of my family members finished it up.
So, I'm left with only plain nasi, ayam, n sambal tumis.
Ok. I'd rather change the menu name to;


After that, as usual, switched on my com. See..see..look..look..stare..stare..
then i switched it off. *Grins*
Then, went back inside my room..closed the window..listened to Misha Omar..n screamed my lungs out. (That means singing.Yar..my singing is screaming..That's y i had to close the window. For two reasons- So that; nobody's disturbed by the deafening voice .(Eventhough i was alone at home.) ; nobody noes that i sound horrendous in the morning.
Yar..now then u noe..)
Well, i got tired with my own voice, coz it just ~bluek~
So, changed track, n listened to GIGI.
As i listened to the melody..i swept the floor.
Yeah..*Tip of the day* As u sweep, listen to Rock!!
And....TA DA!!..Magic Clean.

(Ok. This part. Understand understood ah what i did.)

La..la..lalalala laaaa...lala la laaaa...lala laaaaa...

[10 am-IN SCHOOL]

Actually,me n Hakim wanted to meet up for Maths with Mr Lathif.
So..I waited..n waited..n waited..
10.00 am-I rang up Hakim, "Eh! kau dah sampai ke blom!!"
Hakim: "Ah ok ok. Aku tengah nak on the way."

Fine. I waited n waited n waited..
10.30 am- sms; "Banyak kau nyer on the way..Lincah lah!!
Hakim:"Kau gi call cikgu dulu lah..nanti aku dtg trus gie study corner.."

Haiz..wait again..
-Bumped into Amirul-
10.45 am-Tik Tok Tik Tok.

11 am- Hakim reached school.

Hualao!! 1 hr waiting for this moron!! Sheesh!!
Well..wat to do..it's always GUYS.

Then we started off doing the O levels Specimen paper Paper 1
1st question-"Eh how to do ah!!??"


Haha! Actually it's similar to N levels stuffs lah..As usual ah..3 mths 'No Open Book'.

Ok. Next question. Workings required. Alah..no calculators mah..multiply decimals summore..and..oh no..


Hualao! Had to do my workings in front of Mr Lathif; Step By Step.
And i only got the right answer after the 12th time doing the same working. Ridiculous rite!?
I managed to catch up then..weee!!
The 3 of us stopped at question 14. N that was when Mr Lathif went up to get some filing tool.
So..apa lagi..Mind Blank. Question no.14 donno how to do..so..talk talk ah!
12 noon-Zoom off!! Hahah! 1 pathetic hr of maths.

Went to Sun Plaza..settle my hp. bill n...i met Ostrich!! Wat's her name again ah..?? Err..oh. Xue Fang. Band peepz! Remember this fella?? Hahah! Always kena bully man this gurl..especially..by me!! Hahaha! But i didn't bully her ah juz now..halamak..i good gurl now mah..haha..so talk talk..laugh laugh..n bye bye!
Hehe. Ok..bought Hello Panda, Tim Sum n Siew Mai..n went home!

Then later in the afternoon...listened to GIGI again..dan semangat untuk menggubah lagu baru terus menusuk di kalbu...At the same time, i was day dreamin..dreamin of becoming a song composer, arranger, mixer..whatever lah..ok. It's juz a dream..

Ok. now i'm writing this entry.

Pathetic day..
Pathetic blog..
Pathetic me..


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-6:56 PM-

Wednesday, December 22 ♥

I wanted all..

Ten more days to 2005..Wow! That's fast.. Seriously, i don't know what to do before entering the new year. Every single hour of the day i've been thingking of how to improve on things n all..Next year's gonna be a crucial year for me.Well, that's for me to decide whether or not to make it crucial. Whenever the term "O LEVELS" cross my mind, i will be like "OH NO.OH NO." But most people will say, "You sure...ly can make it one ah..Don't worry." Another will say, "It's not tough as u think". And the other, "For your case, it shudn't be a problem." But..but...huuhhh..I will always conclude by saying "I have to work five times harder in order to achieve a higher grade." And this 'another human-being' said, "Well, two times harder is enough.." Is it true??
Now, you'll be wondering why i make it sound so difficult.You know why?? I have lots of things to achieve.Firstly, i wanna make my family happy, especially for my parents. They've been counting on me to bring the brightest light into the family.Secondly my teachers.Three teachers were already dissapointed with me coz' i didn't get distinction for the subject they teach,Combined Humanities.Hahah.I only got a B3..Well..not too bad afterall.. More on the list, for those who got to know my results. They're hoping for me to do well or better nx yr..Worst still, this guy,my bro's colleague.He asked me to "STUDY LIKE CRAZY." Hualao!! Gila ah! But lastly, for the Malay community.Heheh.Halamak..it's always the cinonets who top the chart man..Not fair ah!
You noe wat...I think, better not to worry of anything.
Words are like water. Easy to pour.But effort's like winter.It won't come! We're in Singapore!!(Wah! Rhyming seh..)Hualao! LAME LAH!! Hahah..well.. Not until you make your own.THEN THAT'S when the effort come. Haaahh..now then it sounds more logical..hehe.
Hey..i'm not sayin all these things for myself. FOR U GUYS OUT THERE, BELIEVE IN UR DREAMS. PUT IN UR MIND AND SOUL AND YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM. Wahahah!! Now i'm Taufiq Batisah's predecessor..heh.
Anyway, wherever u are, doesn't matter if u're frm a JC, or Poly, or ITE, we make no difference.Everyone has their own weaknesses. U can be the smartest ass but u may not noe how to tie ur shoelaces. U may be the the most talented 'whatever' but u may not noe how to respect others. So..what matters is ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE.
If u want to achieve something, achieve for the best. If u want to be a gangster, be the Best Gangster! Get it?

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-2:28 PM-

Saturday, December 18 ♥


I'm floating.......!! Weeee....float..float... float....now dancin like a ballerina...with arms wide open....swing...swing...turn around..jump...KE-DE-BAK BOOM !!! ADOI !! Aiyo..apa da..
Haaahhhh......I'm so relieved..Now that the dreading moment is over, and i'm promoted, takin 'O' Levels next year.. YAY!!! Or, ERGGHH!! Another nerve-wreckin journey. Well, i'm happy that others are happy. And i'm seein majority of my lovely,whacky classmates again nx yr! Gonna be really fun. Now, shud i enjoy or shud i start preparin for nx year..
Ahhhh!! Must study!! Must study!!
No no..must relax...chill out....
NO NO NO!!! STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah...like as if oni this gurl wanna study..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-10:07 AM-

Sunday, December 12 ♥

Rock On!

Pesta Raya-Malay Festival of Arts 2004: Muda-mudi @ Esplanade

Loud, outrageous and on the fringe of society, Malay rockers -or Mat rockers- are bad to the bone. Or are they? Charging with high octave music last night at the Outdoor Theatre-The Edge-Esplanade,were Kaleidoscopicuriousity, Mambang and Aegyptie.Integrating youth cultures , these bands are predominant enough to kick ass!
Yes! They really did! Wahah!
These 3 bands are different. Music by Kaleidos'(ahh!! so long ah the spellin..) is like hip hop..Linkin Park kinda influence ah..DJ'ing n stuffs..shiok ah..very 'I wanna dance to e music'..Up to beat ...
Mambang- At 1st I thought they changed their concept or wat ah..donned all black..leather pants, studded belts, metal chains..like Metalheads. Skali..the songs they played were all so mellow man..quite weak ah their songs. But they've got good players in the band. The Guitarist...like..wah..ur solos not bad man... Drummer-quite proficient. Bassist-Wow Wow!Great bass licks.. And the vocalist..a female..sounded like some nightclub singer ah.. Heh. All in all..not bad ah the band..
And lastly of course..the main highlight..Aegyptie! I am so.. so glad tt i got to watch dem. Weee..!! Songs they played :- Fikirkanlah, Pengeksploitasian, Pride...n more of their new songs. I'm juz fallin in love with them man..oops! I mean their new songs. Not that "Oh..My bro is in that band..n he contributed a lot in the makin..N his vocalist is so cute..n therefore i have to say this.." NO! But really ah..If i were to be some typical ignoramus dunderhead..i will really fall in love with their music.. It was really my cup of Milo.. N to Haziq.."U said Malay band's not ur cup of tea rite? If they're not good u'll go home rite? Malay bands r weak rite?Sorry wrong number..Pegi blah ah! At last he still watched the whole show..n said that Aegyptie sounds like Lost Prophet n was the best among all..Heh.. N Huzaimi..i tink he's falling for the drummer..heh..Maryam..kept sayin tt the vocalist's cute..N me...I was so pissed! Huzaimi was recording the show when this security lady officer came up to us n said that photography n videoing is not allowed. Waddeheck..Wah not bad ah.. afraid of piracy.. Even the police officers were there..Never came across a gig with security control man..Anyhow..the whole show was extremely gratifying.

PS:-Support Local Talent-

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-4:29 PM-

My Condolences..

Damageplan guitarist among 5 killed in Ohio nightclub shooting

At least five people have been killed during a gunman shooting at a gig by metal band Damageplan in Columbus. Five killed have not been identified.Among the dead is Damageplan and ex-Pantera guitarist 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbot.

"After shooting the guitarist and other members of the band, the gunman fired into the crowd", the police said.

Damageplan was formed by Dimebag Darrell, his brother Vinnie Paul, Patrick Lachman and Bob Zilla. Both Darrell and drummer Vinnie were members of metal band Pantera. Since their formation in 1990 Pantera has sold in excess of 13 million albums worldwide. "The music was written from our heart and soul for ourselves but most of all for our fans who have been so loyal to us over the years" Vinnie Paul said.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:18 AM-

Thursday, December 9 ♥


Gotta talk bout' band stuffs again..hee..well..tt's the best thing i can share other than my personal updates..wahahah. Band practice had been super fun lately, probably b'coz the band finally escaped from the unwanted 'Band Cina Mampos' confluence..hehe. Setting a higher standard for us young musicians, we're confident enough not only to compete with other established bands but also for others to observe the fascinating progression we had made.
For the past 3 days,practices was all about memorising notes n rhythms, marching, n dancing!! We're preparin for nx yr's sec 1 CCA orientation. Wah..really promotin band man...
But today's practice ended early...coz we went to NTU to watch a concert featuring performers from the widely-acclaimed Russian National Orchestra and principal players from the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, together with prominent young Singaporean pianists. But hearin the musical contrasts of a classical music, I couldn't really get what the musicians were playin. U noe ppl interpret music differently. N Yes i LOVE classical music,but i have no idea wat their music was about. It gave me a headache man..Had a hard time lookin for the definition of their songs..Can't wait for a taste of Rock music this Saturday..The gig at Esplanade. But nevertherless, they were SUPERB. N as u noe..girls juz go bonkers over gorgeous guys rite..The girls in my band did! Over those Russian guys! Well i didn't lah..I won't go crackers over them..But lookin at the young Russian ladies..there're pretty much gorgeous too ya noe..hahah since when i turned into a Les? Heh..whatever it is, we had a great time watchin their performances.. But I almost got into deep shit..heheh..coz i imitated the voice of the opera singer who sang along with the musicians juz now..Luckily only the band peepz heard me..if not..mampos aku..You noe how opera singers sounds like rite? You will end up laughing rite?
Then later at nite, went to Changi Village with my parents for dinner. But this Drink stall MakCik really spoil my mood man..when my dad asked for Chendol, she was like," Chendol-ais-kachang-all don't have!! See! tt stall is close!" Ok..nvm...sabar..Then i asked for sugarcane, n she replied," Heh! Sugarcane again...U still want sugarcane!!?? Ah ok lah ok lah.." What's wrong with her man..obviously sugarcane is what she sells man.. Sekali aku terajang muke sedap sak...Heh, kurang ajar aku eh.. Ah, tak betol ah dik tu..stuck in the head..
After that went to the airport to meet my second cousin. Her husband's going to Japan..N when i stood there with dem...guess wat...... I MET THE RUSSIAN MUSICIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were there! Rite beside me!!Flying off oredi lah..I had my camera with me n thought of like calling out one of dem n ask for autograph or sumthing..but..i was to shy....heheh..since when am i so shy.. n u noe wat..i juz got this snap.

Hahah! I'm not desperate or anything lah..Juz to proof the girls in band tt i actually met them again..Hahah! .See that? That's a saxaphone casing he's carrying.. There's a bunch of dem lah..didn't get to zoom on all of dem..

Hah! I'm so happy!!! I miss my brother...n he's beside me now! Actually i do see him everyday..but i juz miss the times we spent talking stuffs..n now..he's askin me what to wear for his Saturday's performance. So..we're browsing the net to search for ideas...Hmm..Lost Prophet's website's a good idea...

Abg Adik! Pakai cam gini ah!

Tie color pink..jambuuuu sikit.....hee..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:47 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

*October 2004*
*November 2004*
*December 2004*
*February 2005*
*March 2005*
*April 2005*
*May 2005*
*June 2005*
*August 2005*
*October 2005*
*March 2006*
*April 2006*
*May 2006*
*June 2006*
*July 2006*
*August 2006*
*September 2006*
*October 2006*
*August 2007*
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*June 2008*
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*June 2010*