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Friday, March 25 ♥


Woeee.........I can't believe this. woeeee.....

Click on this.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-1:45 PM-

Sunday, March 20 ♥

Barbie Doll vs Kinder Bueno

Soon..i'm gonna be all alone at home. Weeee..!!!! Alah..for a while oni..grrr..My parent's out for a wedding. Eldest brother too..(Hey big bro! U are always goin to ur friends' wedding. When are they goin for ur's??) And 2nd bro....where are you goiiiiiin....It took you a solid 34 minutes just to iron ur clothes.And the good thing is, he uses my mum's plant water spray to spray his ironed clothes...(Soon you will see funny patches on ur shirt. U won't noe if mum had mixed the water with some kind of chemical for plants..miahahah.)
Please lah..can you people plz get out of home fast? Hahah! So bad arr..I wanna practice my "Lalalalalala" lah!! sheeshh..N u won't be surprised if i say tt i'm still not done with the homeworks. Aiyah...Best results come at last minute lah..if it still does.
Oh yah!! Tmr school reopens! Whaaaaaaaaaa!!! Halamak..

(ok ok. 2nd bro's at the door oredi...out u go. out.out. And i juz got to noe he's out for photoshoot. Hmmm...Oh no. He's juz beside me. At the mirror. He's now doin up his hair. Wow..smells nice..And nice shirt u have there. Hey! Cool pants! Badik!Plz get away lah!! U're taking too much time dressin up! U barbie doll!)

Ok! Everyone's out!! Yay!!!

Do u think tt this entry is stoopeed?

Hah. Nuttin better to do. This is the best that i can do. Homeworks? Erggh..tt's the least i wud do. ( Wat do do do..)

Oh yah! My Kinder Bueno's in my bag!



Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-1:27 PM-

Wednesday, March 16 ♥

White to Black

Yesterday: Music exchange at Henderson sec with Bands from Hougang Sec, Evergreen Sec, Admiralty Sec and Bishan Park Sec.
We went there donned full-U an all..and we discovered that other bands only had their school bottom and Band-tee on.

Paisey ah!! So "OVER".

Then we proceeded for tune-ups and warmin ups then followed by our performances.

I just feel like ranking these bands..

1st- Henderson Band- Good sound balance. Zero technical problems. But music too rushy..But very good showmanship!! Now u wonder how the players can possibly showcase their showmanship while sitting down..
You can see every single instrument bobbing up and down! They move their body ah..wah..so..wooo...

2nd-Bishan Park Band- This band powerrr ah..A very very very small band. But very strong sound. Very skillful players. Respect ah.

3rd-Hougang Band- Stuck up conductress ..But their choice piece very nice ah..like Batman song liddat.

4th-Admiralty Band- Sum cock-ups here n there..Mediocre band ah..

5th- Evergreen Band- Didn't get to watch this band coz we were outside to wait for our turn..But heard tt this band's bad..

6th- Canberra Band -bleaaaxx- Alot of wrong notes. Didn't follow the conductor. Rushing thru and slowin down like nobody's business. Ok lah straight to e point.

C orpselike
A wful
N auseating
B ad
E erie
R epulsive
R otten
A trocious

B loodcurdling
A bhorrent
N oisome
D isgusting

Ooppss sorry...
Don't worry. Not being a hypocrite here. I told the band off with these words recently. So they know. And serious. That's how i really describe the band.


Besides the point.

No sense of urgency. No unity. No pride.

The bulk of us is good. But a small bunch of them are so..." I wanna punch your face"

Mdm Tan was SOOOOPERRR ANGRY...that

She cried.

Even my face, from white turn black sia....so pissed off ..grr..

The leaders are trying our best, comin out with ideas to wake the band up.
I'll update on that later, after this afternoon's band practice. We'll see some drama....

To be continued...



Hey i'm back!!

OK. The 1st thing we did before starting band practice was to reflect on what we did right and wrong over the past few days, especially yesterday. Miss Pan gave us chance to come out to the front individually to apologize to the band. However, only a few did.

The best part was, when Fiona came out to reflect, she cried. That was when everybody else started crying.
And the bestest part of all...


Alot of drama sia...Even i don't know why i cried. Guilty? Guilty for wat? Self-pity? Nah..
Maybe just letting the frustrations and hindrance out.

After the flooding and all..we started sectional practice. Definitely more motivated and enthusiastic.When there's combine practice, the band sounded much better...We just have to tackle the pshycological part...self-confidence-To be able to perform.

11 more practices to SYF.

Do u think the band can make it. At least a medal. No C.O.P.

And please...you won't wanna see me cry....

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:50 AM-

Saturday, March 12 ♥

The Ring

Weeeeee........Just got up frm sleep.

3.30 pm???

Heeh. Slept back again at 12.30 pm juz now. Ok i just feel like talkin bout timings.
Last Night. or indeed.Mornin. Slept at 2.
Woke up at 6.30am.Slept back at 7.15am. Woke up at 9.15am. Slept back at 12.30pm.Woke up at 3.30pm.
And when else shud i continue...
So..It was 10 hours of sleep!! GOOOOOD!!! Dark rings around my eyes- obviously.
Nvm lah..it paid off my -one-week-lack-of-sleep.

Sitting on a table infront of the class beside the teacher's table is sooo great!!
I'm not being sarcastic here. Really.
Shud i elaborate on that? Great? Oh nvm..

Yesterday's band practice was like a nagging session. You noe teachers nag rite...And one of them who nagged was me. Really felt irritated with the band's attitude towards music. 13 April!!
Competition!!!!Arghhh!!! And this wasn't the kind of reaction i got frm the band.
Worst. Playing next after a gold medal band. Hiakkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! And the band wasn't moved.
Then what else? Slow talk with them ah! And the nicest thing i mentioned to them was
" This is a spoilt band."
Does that mean that i'm spoilt too??

Hey!! It's holiday!!




Obviously got loads of assignments rite...Then must come back to school summore..for BAND.

Oh yah! My Chocolate waffle!! ok. Get back to u later!!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-3:49 PM-

Saturday, March 5 ♥


Everything, me...Everything oso, me..Me Me Me.
"Farhanah! What did i told you juz now!? Hey..u are gettin less self-driven now.."
There i go..facing the floor..draggin my feet..pulling a long face..and holdin on to a double-sided tape. What's next? Climbed the chair, pull off some tape and paste dem at the back of the Mahjong paper (Some mindmaps n all) and paste dem on the wall..
Well..that wasn't the case. It's juz my attitude. I donno what's so bad bout it lah..but my teacher juz hate it.
And "TADA!!" From now on..i have to sit at this special table in class, next to the teacher's table, alone. See lah! Juz because my teacher found me irritating and annoying (That's part of my name afterall..) just because i laugh alot. Sheesh..
Gotta change my attitude. I HAVE TO!! But what did i do wrong??

Ah!! Change topic.

Awesome....it was awesome...awesome...Lala la lala lala...awesome...hehe. That was a tune by the way..hee..-The Night Of Remembrance- First gig for me with CRY at TJC. Techinical stuffs..I donno wat's wif the speakers. I barely hear my voice..And funny lookin stage.BUT! It was unexpectedly superb! I mean the atmosphere! Say it dancing, jumping, moshing,-climb on the tables-Without the crowd, we are nowhere man... Played 5 songs altogether . I felt like a superstar!! Hehe. Coz there were 2 audiences who shook my hand as i performed. At least..u noe..and they threw us Light sticks too!!

Wow!! Really had a crazy time with the peepz there. Together with my band, 'Not Meant to be' with Maryam, Zyz, Hakeem, Hafiz and Irfan, my school band mates and more. Thanks to y'all man..Ure support is kindly+greatly appreciated.
I'm so proud of CRY! I love CRY!! UWEK!!!
Oh. I forgot. The band name's CRY. Heehee.
Expect the unexpected. Maryam cried after we performed!! Well..that's what CRY is for..
Ok. I really wanna cry now..I'm not allowed to jam anymore!! You noe...parents..I have to start studyin and good enuff i'm now more inspired.

But CRY has to be what's CRY got to be..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:59 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

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