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Saturday, April 23 ♥

Bleeding Star

Some of the people around may not notice. I had been tryin hard on makin myself look SCARY..Oh how cool is that.. Izzit stupid? Tell me if it is. I really want to look SCARY..Hey! Wake up! It's EMO season! You noe..with all the 'My Chemical Romance' and stuffs..So, izzit to look 'SCARY' or 'EMO'? I had been workin on black eyeliners..brown eyeshadows..and red outlinings...hmm...

Like this

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Pale looking Bloodshot eyes.

Hahah! This was yesterday..before meetin up with Ms Lee and the other mentors. She brought us to Swensens. Woo....Blink Blink*.
But...ooooo...just. don't go to NorthPoint's Swensens. The service there just suck. The China Girl waitress already took our orders..n so we had a list. Yes..a long list. But she gave us the blur blur look.What. Too much food we ordered huh. And we supposed to have free side orders for ordering too much. (You got that?Err..) But this APEK manager said that it's past 2.30 and we can't have the free stuffs.
Hey you APEK! We came in and sat down for the BLOODY (Oh i love this word) 20 minutes and no one came to take our orders! Not until we had to wave our hands up high and shouting "Waiter please! Order order!" ......Waddeheck man..
After we had the meals and all..so..time for dessert! Ice-creams! BUT BUT BUT. Where's our Fries? We still haven't got any Fries! And so we had Ice-creams and Fries..hooo..Freezingly HOT! Afterall..nice feast we had.
When i got home, got changed n all..my dad had a tub of ice-cream. Then he called "Noiiiiiiii...Nak ice-creeeaamm..?"
Besides the point of " Oh. I oredi had a big bowl of ice-cream juz now. Now i am havin sum moree.."
i still went to him and ate that ice cream. And that was when he said,
" Noi pakai celak eh?"
"Ah? Ah'ah ah.."
"Noi pakai celak?"
"Ah'ah lah.."
Hualao. Like as if he never sees me wearin celak before..Or...did i really really look SCARY that it attracted him so much? Hmm..
And so..i went back to sit at the comp wif my bro to watch My Chemical Romance's Live performance..haaahh...EMO lagi..
Today!! Had Maths lesson with Mr Lathif! Good thing. He brought a TIN of lollipops. And i had FIVE in less than an hour. (Plus 6 more in my bag...waitin for midnight) We had to do FIVE big sums lah..that's why..1 sum 1 lollipop.. baru leh jalan beb..(Baru leh jalan ke mulut becok sangat. Nah ambek kau PACIFIER. Bilik senyap siot.Dah kene sumbat 'puting' nyer pasal..)Eh wait. I just completed 3 sums. Oh no...overdosed...

Happy Birthday Mr Lathif!!
We gave him a surprise cake+KFC (Ape. Bugjet ke. Bayar banyak, ayam banyak ah.)
And so..makan maths makan maths makan dan makan lagi dan makan lagi lah..
Until the end of lesson..he just had to get himself WET. Woohooo...! BOMB sama dia!!Dia kena SABO!!! Whahah!!

After that, rushed to my primary school to get the music scores for 8th July performance there.
Peixin Primary 20th Annivesary! Wah...dah besar dier eh..So the Band alumnis will put up a performance for that nite. But donno i can really make it for the show or not eh..busy oredi eh..
Anyway...long time no play my Trumpet! So got it just now!! Yay!! Lucky thing i still sound like a 'Trumpeter" not some "Blaster" of somekind.

I wanna look EMO eh...Oi wat's wrong with me?
Ok just to make it sound better....I'm the Bleeding Star...

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emo yet not emo. Waddeheck.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-6:32 PM-

Sunday, April 17 ♥

No goyang?

Remember these??

1st I said this

"As we all know, Canberra Band is lousy. But we had an exchange programme with two other established bands. I told my band, " We're gonna embarrace ourselves there." And we certainly did! YAY!! I WAS RIGHT!!
Kranji Band was the first to perform their competition pieces. Of course, they were good. Followed by Canberra Band....Oh my gawd....I juz have to mention this.It was HORRENDOUS!!I just don't wanna go in detail what went wrong, coz' it's just too much! Really really embarracing...paisey...malu....BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

2ndly i said this

"Yesterday's band practice was like a nagging session. You noe teachers nag rite...And one of them who nagged was me. Really felt irritated with the band's attitude towards music. 13 April!!Competition!!!!Arghhh!!! And this wasn't the kind of reaction i got frm the band.Worst. Playing next after a gold medal band. Hiakkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! And the band wasn't moved."

3rdly i SAID this

"Canberra Band -bleaaaxx- Alot of wrong notes. Didn't follow the conductor. Rushing thru and slowin down like nobody's business. Ok lah straight to e point.
C orpselike
A wful
N auseating
B ad
E erie
R epulsive
R otten
A trocious

B loodcurdling
A bhorrent
N oisome
D isgusting

AND Besides the point.
No sense of urgency. No unity. No pride.
The bulk of us is good. But a small bunch of them are so..." I wanna punch your face"
Mdm Tan was SOOOOPERRR ANGRY...that
She cried.
Even my face, from white turn black sia....so pissed off ..grr..The leaders are trying our best, comin out with ideas to wake the band up.I'll update on that later, after this afternoon's band practice. We'll see some drama....To be continued...*******************************Continued...

The best part was, when Fiona came out to reflect, she cried. That was when everybody else started crying.And the bestest part of all...
Alot of drama sia...Even i don't know why i cried. Guilty? Guilty for wat? Self-pity? Nah..Maybe just letting the frustrations and hindrance out.After the flooding and all..we started sectional practice. Definitely more motivated and enthusiastic.When there's combine practice, the band sounded much better...We just have to tackle the pshycological part...self-confidence-To be able to perform.11 more practices to SYF.Do u think the band can make it. At least a medal. No C.O.P.And please...you won't wanna see me cry.... "

Now, Band SYF is FINALLY over. 13th April 2005 shall be kept as memories (Well..the parts b4 13th April are more memorable, indeed.)

As we all thought, Canberra Band will emerge gettin Certificate of Participation(C.O.P)

For the last 11 practices, we drilled on the 2 pieces like mad.

13 April, we went on stage. Confident. United. (and Farhanah not shaking at ALL. Oh wow.)

Resullts anounced at 6.37 pm....

Band no.87.....Canberra Secondary School........BRONZE!

No one shouted.We just clapped our hands. Leaders cried. (Hey i didn't ok. Smile summore got ah.)

Hey..Bronze..It's an achievement ok. First time SYF. Not established. Majority are players from sec 2. Wow..Bravo ah!

Most of us are satisfied.But just not happy. (What u all expect? Silver? Gold? Hey we only played a 2 1/2 grade lah. Nuttin compared to those Gold bands who played grade 3 n above)

Welldone band.

N me!! Finally!! Band SYF over. NAPFA test over. Singin comp over. Yay!!

oh ya. I'm no more seated at the front in class. Awwww....I miss tt place.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-1:52 AM-

Sunday, April 10 ♥


I'm sick of thinking about marriage. I'm gonna be a bride soon....


Haiz..I still haven't submit my assignment on,

"Wedding is a day. Marriage is a lifetime."
I'm one of the unlucky ones to write and talk about this. Oh waddeheck.


Ok. Gonna continue with the 'Talk-about-marriage".

A potential wedding planner? Neh...

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:04 PM-

Monday, April 4 ♥

Now and Again..

You noe i very lazy wanna blog oredi noee..Worst still, those irritating bloghoppers spoil my mood. This person, "Sheesh" (If u refer to my taggie), mentioned tt my blog is the most annoying thing on the net..ever..And recently, (which was a few months ago), a girl, by the name of "Gurl" said, "Pening aku tengok blog nie..."

Yes! That is so TRUE!!

That's the point. Have u ever seen any other blog which cause you headache? No rite? Rite? And any blog which totally ANNOYS you? No rite? Definite NO rite?

These people ahhh...jealous or wat? Never see sucha thing before rite! Nah! U got it!

or..OK lahh...my blog not nice waaat...their blog nicer waaat..



Oh...That was so fun...

Aiyah..since i very lazy wanna blog (but i juz did) (oh waddeheck) U can juz take A look at this site (The link down there) U can find my embarrasing pictures and videos in there.

Check this Out!
http://www.canberrasec.net/wordpress1.5/?p=56 Bluek!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-6:58 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

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