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Saturday, May 14 ♥




Canberra has finished its midyears..Well...soon to say Hi back to it again..
Oh goodness..
Eversince the last paper, i just had the urge to study.. U noe like...compiling all the notes into one good tight book + questions n answers frm the TYS + a summary of my own= Uber Superb ah Anoy!! Oh well...how realistic can Anoy be..

I, the Persistent Procrastinator who talk endlessly about needing to study but can't make it happen. Things get in the way, like resting on the back end and the whole body gets rested, shut one eye by the second and the other by the minute, or even "take a short nap" with the book resting on the face- thinkin tt most of the contents in the book will automatically enter the head.

I see others starting their "whatever they noe they have to do=STRICTLY STUDYING" and wonder if my time will ever come.

I'm like the "All-or-Nothing" doer who's alternate between working out excessively and being sedentary. Seems like a goal-oriented or a driven person who approaches exercise like what i do to "what i'm good at=NOT STUDYING". I'm either on track, working out to the max, or I'm off, working like...err...like an unhealthy person who needs to do constant workouts but sitting on the couch, and not in the gym...
Grr..i can't think of any other examples..

Shan't put any comments or complains on those exams papers but to wait and see for the results itself..Oh sensible am i..

2) So..as yesterday's paper ended real early, my mum's off for MC and my 2nd bro too havin a good time off, we went to Sembawang shopping centre's Giant for a......Chicken. Hah! Chicken for cooking and KFC for lunch lah! My bro had his pants altered there and as soon as he tried it on once we got back home..i just had to mock at him..

"AH!!!!! HAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!! MAT TAPERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Ok some of you guys must be like "What's wrong with tapered pants?" Just...plz....Oh nvm)
He just asked tt nyonya to alter a lil of the bottom part but she slightly overdo it.. Ok lah...still not too bad lah....Gorgeously funny only..Jiwa tetap Rock brader! Whakeke!!

3) Followed Huzaimi to Swee Lee juz now..look look around the shop...touch touch the instruments there... and what we got was juz a tiny winy thing for ZEEk; a pick.

Hah. Just had to ask him the stoopeedest question in the train...

Me: Eh. Is that lady infront of me "that one"?
Huz: Where? That one? Which lady?
Me: Nie...directly infront of me...thou i'm not facin her..
Huz: What...what "that one"?
Me: Halamak...i cannot mention the word lah...later she hear...
Huz: Oh! Pregnant? LAH! OF COURSE LAH!
As Huz turned his head to look up at the sign board of somekind..it shows a sign of "Offer a seat for a pregnant lady.."
And it just happened that there was an old lady standing NEXT to the pregnant lady...
Me: Eh eh...we have to get up ah! Ok. u get up or i?
Huz: Well...up to you...
And we offered our seat to them...

Oh how blur cud i get...

4) The convo in MSN just now with my classmates just had to drive me joinin in tokin dirrrtyyy..
The conversation which consist of 8 people comprises mainly the topic on TOKIN ROT pertaining B**bs, "Ice-cream" and much moreee.......Well, it lasted for a short while (only for me) coz i cudn't take the dirty headache and had to shut down the dirty convo.. Partly, me sayin out those dirty F*** words (and for ALL of them noticin me sayin tt for the ever 1st time) was due to the dirty urge to say that durin the convo with the CRy members yesterday nite......I JUZ NEED TO SCREWW DOWN YOUR HEAD sallyMAN!!

Ok. I'm back to the classic CLEAN me...

5) Have you ever calculated weight using POUNDS?? I just had to refer to my dad for the conversions into kilograms...Hmm...but really...not ALL of you noes it rite? rite? rite???
Well..the topic almost drive us to an argument. Hee....shan't elaborate on tt one. Oh what what. I weigh 114 pounds.
and..........wait. Did i get the correct numbers?

6) Eighteen...Half a boy and half a man... Hey dude! U noe i'm referrin to you DUDE! Heh.
U mean..u'll have to wait till u're 36 then u'll get urself "A MAN"? Hah!
(Ok i'm singin you a Birthday song right now...just imagine the Rock version yeah..)
Ohh Anoyyy....whimsical you are Anoyyy....


Catch up wif you guys sometime sooner or LATER aite!

Au Revoire!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:42 PM-

Monday, May 2 ♥

Actually i was drawing some stuffs for DnT...Instead of completing them...
I drew 'Me'..
........Emo 'Me'..

Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Tak menjadi betol lah..
Pompan nie lagik jambu sak..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:54 AM-

Sunday, May 1 ♥

Jaw Drop

Surprise of the morning. The furnitures are rearranged, AGAIN. Woee..my dad's that good. Eh wait. How did he do that? My eldest bro's away for KL...and my second bro's asleep...


Oh he must have done that with my Mum. Not surprised lah..they're strong people. ; )

It's like the dozenth time he changed the interior decor. And i have always been his "strong girl".
Hahah! Let me recall what furnitures have i carried in the past. Dining table. Sofa. Dining table. Sofa. Sofa. Dining Table.Dining table. Whaahh..not bad arr..

Ok. This week's like the..err..'The Undescribable' week for me.
Monday was all good..*Blink Blink*. Tuesday-i somehow made Jacqueline fall off the steps- As we walked down the stairs for chem. lab, Jacq was directly infront of me. She just had to drink water from her bottle when she turned her head around to look at me. That's when she fell off. And she blamed me!! "You turn around and look at me for what! Was I that pretty on that day?? "
Wednesday- PE lesson. Played Captain's ball (Oh what a game). I passed the ball to Sagarika and unfortunately she didn't catch the ball. It bounced up and hit her braces instead. Ohh no.. hope ur teeth are still back in place.
Thursday- Ah Mr Chong just had to make me look stupid. It has always been like dat. It's for DnT lesson ah..when he took me as his case study. He asked how heavy i need a load of newspapers to be..I was like..err..hmm..(Oh no i didn't do my research on Karang Guni Man)
And i answered- 4 Kg. You call that a load?? That's definitely lesser than a bag of rice!!
No time to pretend oredi ah.. testin my intelligence oni. heh!
Oh ya..got tiger attack before that. Who's the tiger? The tigress..the spitfire..the dragon..
Just what's wrong with me..
Friday- My form teacher needed the results slips back.
" Oh no i haven't get my parents' signature!"

Hakim: Nah ambek pen..sign jer..
Me: Tak nak ah!
Weena: You noe how to forge or not?
Me: Ah dowan ah!
Weena: Then how?
Me: Kena punish kena punish ah!!

Oh. I'm proud of the 'decisive' me...

Yesterday- Blueh..don't wanna mention bout the mornin incident in scool..
I'm just tellin u that i did maths...When i get back home..got a nap..and dreamt about maths..

Was it out of depression or frustration or just mainly.."I'm scared.."

Tonite's my bro's gig at Planet Paradigm. Not with his Aegyptie band but his so called "Project band". I'm not goin..Boring ah the other bands..all hardcore there hardcore here..ska lah raggae lah...don like ah. Just waitin for the appearance from CRy...; p

Tomorrow's holiday..Thurday's the start of my mid year paper...Ah i noe those teachers set killer papers for us ah..That's their motive wat..to fail us.

~ The signs of it should be as clear as when you look into a mirror. And as an image, come to you because you're merely being you.~

Oh yah 1 more thing...What's another word for 'Thesaurus'? ;p

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:40 AM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

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