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Monday, June 27 ♥

Which Disney Princess Are you?

You possess incredible beauty, yet it means nothing to you. What you dream of is adventure, storybook romance, seemingly unnattainable and yet, these dreams are as real to you as the things you can see and touch. Appearance counts less that the heart. You are not afraid of intelligence; of knowledge- you seem to have a hunger and knack for it already. You are brave- willing to give yourself up for others, and though others think you "odd" you see the bigger picture-- something not many people can.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:12 PM-

Thursday, June 16 ♥

Do You Know?


Burnt Acrylic smells like 'Goreng Pisang'.

'Bastard' is a name of a file. It is used to file off sharp, uneven surfaces of any workpiece. So when ur friend calls you a 'bastard', don't get offended.

If a student working in a workshop hasn't been gettin any cuts or bruises, it means he hasn't been workin. Teachers get that the MOST b'coz they HAVE been workin.
I'm so happy for them..

The 'Hand Drill' is reaallyy irritating and scaariee..U don get to drill a hole. But juz shivers u all the way..

This week is the only week i've been 'hardworkin'...Coz i really work on 'hard' things..

How can a 'Rocker' lives without 'Rock'?
And when there's no 'Rock'. Only woods, metals and plastics.. How cud that bee..

And lastly...

I fell off a stool. A budgeted plastic stool.
No impact.
No pain.
Juz a nice..slow..falling process..
And what more! I didn't even realise i was falling! It didn't even feel like...'A Fall'.

I went backwards...and.....on the floor...and the stool twistered..i mean crooked...no..as in..I donno lah..it limped sidewards....erk. U get the picture? Then i noticed myself on the floor.But goodness. I didn't break it. Obedient stool that is.

It juz reminded me of the time when i fell off a chair in K2. And my friends laughed! But the good thing is...the guys who saw me falling didn't! But it was only me who laughed. And laughed. And laughed. How cool is that..

And can you now imagine how i fell?? Oh nvm..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:04 PM-

Sunday, June 12 ♥

Random Thoughts

I've been thinkin bout this...since...donno when lah...

Why do GIRLS usually like..."I miss you!!" "I love you" "Hugs!" "Kisses!" "Muackz!" err wat else ahh..ehm..."Hey sweetie/sexy/gorgeous/bla bla"

I mean.GIRLS sayin these to their GIRLfriends..

Yes.I admit i've done tt...But ..other girls does tt alot more than i do..Whahah!

When i think bout it..it's like "Erk??" I noe lah...it's NORMAL..For GIRLS...That's why! Becoz it's normal i bring this thing up!

Ok. We love each other...yeah...But hey..Why don't guys do that??!! OK OK i noe guys muz act MACHO mah..

ok. Not MACHO then what?

Sometimes i don't understand these girls (When i myself is a girl). I've seen these people sayin these things but at the same time, tokin shits behind their back. Ok lah..only the minority idiots. Ok that's one point, n besides the point. But why shud they like..so....how to say ah.."over"?

Can't they juz give a REAL "Hugs!" "Muackz!" and really sincerely complementin their friends besides calling "sweetie/sexy/gorgeous" when they didn't even think their friends are...

Ok. What's up with me.

Hah! I'm in a GUY'S shoe....Hah.I'm pretty sure guys wud have thought bout this.It muz have came thru their mind. Juz that they don ask us girls why..

Yeah..when i find myself doin that...I feel like "Erk?" too...It's quite...childish i wud say..

Why not juz cut off those sweetie chicky words..n juz be truthful n faithful to ur friend? U don have to TELL to SHOW rite?? RITE???

Alamak. I tink alot 'terase' oredi liao...But really leh!!

I donno lah...u get my point?

Or am i actin like a boy now...HAH.

Oh...juz a random thought of a..what Maryam wud always call me...a MAT. Yes! Me! MAT!


Anyway GIRLS!!



Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-12:46 AM-

Saturday, June 11 ♥

Good Day+Bad Hair Day

I'm sure you guys have those days, where your hair just disobeys you..
Gosh..the head just feels...heavy...Err heavy? Hmm...yah..So it's the head or the hair? Hah.Waddeheck.

Man...been busy doin up my artefact for DnT. Imagine the whole week stayin back till late afternoon.Like from 2 to 6?..Ok lah not too bad lah..but i have classes in the mornin. Owell doin work in the workshop is....gooood...Tryin to bear the dust and whichever air particles is like bathing in the sand. Listen to myself knock on those hard materials with a hammer is as pleasant as listenin to a full blast volume of trash metal music. Bending the mildsteel is as healthy as doin push ups. Knockin the hammer on my own fingers is... nothing...It's ok if i injure myself..better than gettin a worthy tongue-lashing from the teacher..goshh..
What are all these?
I'm goin deaf. I've got muscle aches. And lucky enough that these small little bruises and grazes on my palm and fingers are doin me fine.. Sadly..no blood involved. I wud love to suck dem. Nyahahahah!! You shud try lah... Such bitter sweet delicacy..hiek hiek hiek..
People around my estate have seen me walking like a cranky zombie..Tiresome day and days..It's just euphoric walkin out of the workshop headin for home.. Anyway...tedious but fun.

Got a call from my cousin yesterday..My uncle is warded at TTSH. He's at a critical condition now..There're complications ah..with heart disease n all..That's why..i would like to urge everyone who have been smokin to stop!Rite now! Before it's too late..And it's never too late..

I guess my dear brother is rite now gettin ready for the concert at Esplanade. Tribute to Rock n Roll Concert...Hope he'll perform well n well...Rock On!!\m/

Oh jammin session with CRy was good...new song up...juz without the bridge part..Oh euphoniously smashing and emo!! Hot shot in the studio..but once music is stopped..studio turned into a circus. Fun but fun!! Hahah! Always ragging and ragging on Huz bout his hot date in cyberspace...n tokin to Man and ZEEk was like "CRy-The animated series".

Hah. I was half-way thru doin up my closet coz it was like what my mum describes the initial state of it as "volcano eruption".Erk. Huh. Yeah..it was tt bad..Hah. Still got chicks not to continue with the task. Online oh online...Later...

Oh gosh..my hair...

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-6:36 PM-

Wednesday, June 8 ♥

Oh you blistering barnacles!! Fikry!! How dare you post my "Pissed-ful Sunday" entry on Friendster!! Hey...watch out the new episode of "The Killer-Returns" yeah Fikry?

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:55 PM-

Sunday, June 5 ♥

Pissed-ful Sunday

How can you tell if a person's in a bathroom..
When ..
1) the door's closed.
2) the light is on.
3)there's sound of a running water.
4)a person in there answers "Yah!" when u asks "You in there?"
5)a person who saw someone entering the bathroom says "he/she is in there" when u try to open the bathroom door.


1) The person in the bathroom heard someone askin someone else out there "There's someone in here zit?"
2) The other person out there answered "Donno"
3) The light fortunately WAS switched on.
4)The door too WAS closed
5) Unfortunately the door's not locked.
6) That person opened the door.
7) The person in there shouted "OI!!!"
8)That person who opened the door said "Eh?U in there??"
9)That person who's in there got so pissed.
10)And...that person who opened the door and saw MORE than the silhouette of the person is cursed to have "MATA TEMBEL" (Or rather..what is it in English ah? Err..Goldfish eyes? or hmm..Eyes-That're-Gonna-Burst-Off-So-Soon...hah)


U noe what i'm tryin to say rite? Good.

The moral of the story is..


Thank you.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-12:32 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

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