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Friday, March 31 ♥

Far away..

I'm having such ridiculous fun. Since exams were over, the day results were out, and the day i got my postings. Either i'm a junkie at home or a naughtyly good girl outside. I'm a regular window shopper too.. Too bad those shop owners wont get any profits from me. I can imagine how my friends are happily doing their work and get money. Loads of money. And i'm sitting around creating sight pollution to the residents. Please mind me. It's not that i'm useless but this is the time i'd like to treasure most before school starts and when mister gets into national service.

Yesterday i was out. Just now i was out. And probably will be out tomorrow. I pity my mum. She'd be all alone at home. My bros wont be at home or anything. I mean, they'll be out on all saturdays. My dad's over at Amsterdam. He's supposed to be back by tomorrow mornin, but his stay there is extended till next Saturday. I hope he's doin fine there. I guess it'd be summer time soon, now it's winter. I dont remember him bringing enough thick jackets, did he?
Well, i miss him. Thou i'm havin much fun wihout him around. Coz i can get back home late!! Hee..

I feel so bad..I didnt watch my bro's performance at Swisshotel. I think he was waitin for my presence, and that's why he called me up on the phone. And to know that i was already back home and not at where he is. Hmm..it's not the end of everything rite..i can always watch him strum he's rocking guitar at home. Geez..

As for today, went out with mister and went window shopping at Tampines mall. Hah hah. There's nuttin much i can do but to just satisfy the needs of both my eyes. Basically nuttin much there larr..but u see, there are times when we need to get to somewhere real far. Hahahaha. Sad to say we're living in Singapore huh. No matter how far you travel..u'll still be within 647 km square of the land.

But dont forget the needs of the tummy!! We need food!!
And today's menu wud be Changi Village's Nasi Lemak! Hahahahah..
Yep we travelled all the way there. Such gratifying moment.
But we cudnt catch the sunset at changi beach..... Coz it was raining....:(

Hahah. Honey, no matter how hard u create ur stupid acts and imitate such painful hip hoppers, i still love the way u are. I love the way you do ur thing. Heh? Hahahah. I guess i have to bare with those funny acts for 2 years full? And i wont take away ur cap. But i wud still want to rub your new head. new hairstyle=no hair. Man i'm gonna miss ur hair so much!!!!!!!!!

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Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-10:54 PM-


I feel so feminine today. Hah. Yes. Coz i dont usually do..;p
Whoa it's 12:26 am now. Just got back home actually. Wee hee.....
Supposedly had no plans for the day, till i met Maryam online, and i finally decided to accompany her to LaSelle to submit her essay as a requirement for her degree application there.

So before heading for Laselle, we ate at Long John. Nothing much goin on except our usual conversation. Till then, we headed for Laselle.
And as we walked into the school, i observed the place. Whoa quite run down ah the buildings. Like kampong. It reminded me of Millenia Institute. But heck, this place's much better.

So, after submittin her essay, we met her darlin haziq aka blackie there.
And there was this guy who was with him. All 4 of us walked out of school and waited for the bus together. Till there was this point of time when i got to know that he's gay. Whahhhh..Finally i got to listen to a conversation of a real one.
He has a boyfriend. Duh. But he's nice la..adorable too..Heheh.

Then Haziq n that guy had to go somewhere else for some production. So i'm back with maryam alone. Actually she already promised her colleagues to attend a gathering at Seoul Garden...But till we reached sembawang, she finally decided not to attend it, but go window shopping with me!! Whahahah!! I feel so baaaad..:(

So yeah we headed back for Orchard! And went to Far East! And the shops are still opened! Despite the fact that it's already 9 pm! And it'll be closed by 9 30!! So we have only half n hour to window shop!

Wah maaan..really maaan..Cannot tahan ah see the clothes there.. I just had this urge to just get something for myself but heck, i dont wanna spend any single cent on any single thing (except food)(and transportation)
But seriously, out of almost everytime i go there to window shop, this is the only time when i see A LOT of NICE CLOTHES! I mean really nice..and worth buyin.
And there's this top which is so beautiful and glamorous which both of us really like. There're black and beige, which both colors we really like. It's really silky and shiny..And it's $29. But we can get it for $26! To others it is REALLY CHEAP. But to me, hmm..it's still rather expensive..Or i'm just plain cheapo. U can say that. But we controlled ourselves not to buy anything and promised to study hard, belajar pandai-pandai, get good job, get good money, and spend all we want. Man that'a a long way to go....Hah i'm talkin like as if i'm buyin a million dollar thing.
Wow i think in half n hour we found a lot of things. So beautiful...so femalie..*Hmph hmph*

Suddenly maryam felt thirsty and i felt hungry. So we headed for Long John! Again. Basically it's the nearest we cud head for, besides BK. hah.
And there, we crack all nonsense and serious business too..It's so nice talkin to her.. And by then it was 10 30pm. And i asked "Hey is Ladies night on Thursday??" Hahahah. Hmm...it's on wednesday actually. Hah dont get me wrong. Am not gonna club or anything. But i just thought that last night was a night for us. Cheyy..that sounded wrong. Becoz it had been a long time since i went out with her! And it's soo soo great to go hang out with her again!

I just hope that nobody thinks that we're lesbos. HAH HAH. Ok wudnt elaborate much. Coz it's nuttin much. Girls like to hold hands with their girl friends. Ok. Bare in mind. I do have a boyfriend.
But oh ya...some may be bisexual too...hah. Not me. But maybe. Whahahah!!!
Ok ok. Whisk it off guys...

When in the train back home..we talked bout stuff we always do..hahah. Such as, PIMPLES! Ok for those who's in big crisis with ur dear pimple, u'll have an idea and u'll understand even if i dont talk about it. Facial products dont always work lah eh..Hah.

And oh!!! I met my primary school crush in the train!! Whahahah!!!
He's not as cute as he was la..hahha...And he was there with my pri sch best friend's secondary school crush. Hmm u get it?
Well it's all good to be reminded of stupid times which happened in the old days.. I dont think he knows that i had a crush on him. Since pri 2 okayyy...WAH..Kecik-kecik dah mentel..But okay waaat...Small kids have emotions too.. And they know when to fall in love, but sad to say they dont know when not to be trapped in it.

Hahaa..So yea..we almost reached home by then and i was hoping we cud go out again more often. Just to make sure that we're not caught up with stress and all.. and not let our mind, body and soul take the strain of problems and pressure.

And yes, suddenly i feel so feminine.. Basically because i felt a bit more concious bout my face and take good care of it. To get rid of...


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-12:25 AM-

Wednesday, March 29 ♥

Ambitions of the amateur

Went back to my secondary school for history mentoring lesson. Only I and Wei Teck the William Hung-Oh-So-Gentleman came down. The rest of the mentors are busy with school/work/fun and another caught with a flu. Since i'm oh so free, ooo why not.

I pity Ms Joyce Lee Mui Kwang. She was really dissappointed with us last week. None came to help. And i was plain lazy. Grr.. But she sms-ed me yesterday askin if i can come. Quite hesitant in the beginnin but well, juz thought of doin sumthin good for the week.

I just think i'm never good at teaching. Out of 5 mentees, only 2 were interested and did their work. The other three cudn't catch up coz they didnt listen to me. Hmmph! Instead, they kept askin how to study social studies. Coz there're takin combined humanities and if they put aside SS, it puts it at no good use.
And they kept ranting bout Mdm Bawani, who was also my SS teacher durin sec 4. If i were to recall, I didnt really pay much attention to her. And just before the actual day came, i'd make my own notes and memorise them all.

And last night, had to squeeze out some juice from my head. Man i lack creativity. Ms Lee came out with this superb idea of designing a t-shirt full of stickmen.
Actually it's for this t-shirt design competition for Canberra's sports festival.
So, basically, the theme for the design is SPORTS.
Hah. Stickmen. Oh stickmen.
Those stickmen i drew appeared stupidly cute, despite the caption "WE ARE THE INCREDIBLE IN2!!"

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Oh this isn't the one.
I just feel like featuring 1 of the starring action figure..stickman.

I think the kids liked it. But when they got to noe that i drew it, they said "Eeeeeeee!!!!"
Kentot them la.
I think i shud get paid huh.. By now, i shud have a lot of money, based on royalty of my designs. Seriously. Wahaha..dream on...but why not?



Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:02 PM-

Not your kind of humour

Peeve me as u wish. Pick on me all u want. But dont hurt me more than you always do. You want to have fun, u want me to play along.Well, i wont be interested coz i noe it'll heal nuttin. You think i'm a good girl and you dont like good girls. You want me to be bad? Hell i dont wanna be bad.
Let your freedom of speech and words be for yourself. Not for me, not for others. And let your freedom of fun be for yourself. Not for anyone else who has a different definition of, FUN. Finally, dont be sucha coward when i wanna settle things there n then. You can go, but u cant run. I'm not beggin for forgiveness of such. Thou i'm hurt for u cant ever imagine. But i'll still forgive you, and you dont have to even know it.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-12:34 PM-

Junk me. You don't have to.

I seriously eat -A LOT- of nonsense.
Let me name u some.

Prawn crackers. Which i ate before bangin in to this blogsite.

Hot Kid Ball Cake. The 1st munch i had this mornin. It's this small, cute, white balls, which will vanish in your mouth when u munch it not more than 3 times. Basically, baby food la.

Nougat. A very sweet, hard and crunchy white cuboid which has roasted almond fillings in it.

Pineapple tarts, which my mum made recently. I think i'm the only one who finished up the whole bottle.

Apple tarts. Wrapped in green. Not the usual kuih tart.

Ferrero Roche. Hah. Got it from 'Mister' durin V day. You can imagine how long i kept it since then. That's how i treasure gifts. Cudn't bare eat it all at once.

Paparoti. Coffee bread.Big bro buys it almost everytime he feels like having some. So he bought a couple more of it. Yummy!

Nerds. Hmm..this tiny crunchy candies that's flavoured strawberry, grape, watermelon, lemon and such. Pour them out and eat it all at once! Gerek seh!

Soupy Snax!! Hah. Pour in boiled water and it's ready! Oh yah. Not to forget, add pepper! Supramaniam!

Paddle Pop. You noe it's ice cream. Hah. Found it in the freezer. And mum told me it's mine! HAHAHAH. Credits to big bro again. Hee hee..

Peanuts. You noe the one which is covered in orange, a bit of seaweed on it. Yeah..when i'm bored.. watchin tv, i wont eat the peanut, but eat the orange part, pull the peanut off it and dump it into the rest of the other unplugged ones.

So u noe how junky i can get eatin junk foods in this junked world.
I'm filled with junks. I'm junk-ed.
Gettin fatter? Maybe. Ergh but gettin chubbier is inevitable.
And as sumone puts it in my recent conversation in msn.
"U r lazying around getting fat fast"
"hmms maybe in abt 2 mths time i might have to call u miss fatty instead"

You think it's funny?
I'll let you know what's funny.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:03 AM-

Sunday, March 26 ♥

Saturday's longer than Sunday

Class BBQ yesterday was okay. Not everyone turned up but whoa hella good those biol peeps were around.. And yeaa teachers were there tooo..

Well it started off at 3 when the weather didnt do us good. Not too good.
Lucky the food was all intact while we sheltered in the telephone booth. Whahah!
And there were holes in my dear umbrella... Like kentot la..

Hur hur i brought almost all the food. Wehwehweh. Satay. Chicken. Bee Hoon. Otah. Fish Balls.Sweet potato. And lucky Wai Chung, Fazil and Amirul were there early to help us with the fire coz u noe.. I don't play with fire. So i noe nuthin. Geez..;p
But i learned a lot at the end of it YAY! Like how to play with fire...erk.
Oh yah. And u shud noe this. I dont handle the lighter well. Coz again, i don play with fire. But i think i shud.

I dont have the photos rite now. I wish i had. And they certainly are biol and biol.

However, it was quite a dissapointment coz there were still A LOT of food.
Everyone else left, except me, hairline, hakim, fitry, jack, faggot, jimmy and sion. Basically, to finish up the food.
Hakim gave us this stoopid idea of playin a game and losers have to finish up those food.
So, we barbequed EVERYTHING. Hahah. It was a bomb! At the same time Fitry was showing the guys his phone videos. Scary videos.. Linie and i didnt dare to watch. Hur hur..Scary laaa..

Then Hakim served us the food. Banquet style. He arranged everything nicely. With beverages and all.. So neat. So we set together. and EAT.
And by then it was already 2 am...Woaahh...

Finally we packed up! And get home!
But hah no transport so we walked aaaalllll the way to the main road to catch a taxi.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:09 PM-

Monday, March 20 ♥


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-wahai,jiwa jiwa yg tenang..
berhati-hatilah dirimu..
kepada.. Hati hati yang penuh..
dengan..kebencian yang dalam

-karena, sesungguhnya iblis..
ada dan bersemayam..
Di hati yang penuh..Dengan benci...
dihati..Yang penuh..Dengan prasangka



-jika..kebencian meracunimu..
Kepada...manusia lainnya...
maka sesungguhnya iblis...
sudah berkuasa atas dirimu

-maka..jangan pernah berharap..
aku..akan mengasihi..menyayangi..
Manusia manusia..yang penuh benci..
seperti kamu...

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Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:50 AM-

Why is it that people nowadays LOVE taking pictures of their,

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And pictures of them and, SHOES?

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And so the story goes..

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I need magic clean.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-12:13 AM-

Saturday, March 18 ♥

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Please tell me i'm NOT like this, darling.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-10:50 AM-

It's a Saturday morning

It's all good to blog again. For some reasons, my language is deteriorating. So, i have to write. And for some reasons, i'm always hogging on to the computer. So i have to make out sumthing productive out of it. Like, to WRITE.

And it certainly is good to read blog entries from others. I do have some blogs which i will read regularly (Whoa i sound like a loyal reader). I guess these people are just interesting. But for some, I think they're like me. Perhaps, "the Anoy when she blogged last time". So freaking irritating! That's why i'm afraid that people will get irritated and stop reading my blog. And that is also the reason why i stopped blogging back then. That's what i thought. My entries were not substantial at all! If i could have one blog which people appreciates and READ. I wish.

As for now, i just woke up.
Having a good time in Lalaland when
"Pom pom pommmmmm!!!!!!!!"
"Pom pom!!!!!!!!!!"
"Eeeeeekk. POMMMMM!!"
I enthusiastically rushed off to my bedroom window and looked out.
"Eh? Where are those cars? I thought i heard them?"

Kwang kwang kwang...

Eh mengigau in English aper ah?
Buang mase aku smangat2 bangon nak tengok accident kepe. Skali kene main da...

So i went back to bed. Thinking that i shud wake up at 10 30am instead. Hah.
But cant get back to sleep, so here i am.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-10:01 AM-

Friday, March 17 ♥

The reason why women have trouble in IT

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Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:28 PM-

I'm alive


Phewww.. been almost a year since i last blogged. Well, ignore the last few ones.. They are just there to keep my blog alive..well dead afterall..

Ok i sound dead. Except the exclamation marks at the beginning.
Erghh!! (Ok there're more exclamation marks)
This is terrible. That's the thing i don't like bout blogging. I just don't know what i want to say.
Nevermind, i just let everything flow out my mind yeah..

Actually i had this urge to blog a long time ago.. so i thought a change of blogskin was a good idea. At least i wud feel good having my thoughts written on a nice page.. Well..here it is..a new skin...
But don't ask me why that girl's wearing orange inside.

So how has life been for me this far...
But there are occasions when things don't go the right way that is.
But nevertheless, I'm a happy girl now.

Months since i last went to school to practically finish up my assignments.
Months since i last mugged for O levels.
Months since i last had butterflies and hurricanes of my stomach waiting for results.
A month since i received it.

So. Now. Here i am waiting for another chapter of life to begin.
A new life in a new school!
Next stop- Yio Chu Kang....*toot toot toooot* The mrt sound la..
Allight. 3 minutes walk to sch...and there goes the new world..............
Eyy but i still miss my 7 minutes walk to my secondary schooooooool......

But anyway..I'm kinda worried bout how life wud be in poly. You know like how majority of the poly students say..that they..slack alot.

And i know that without any doubt, i would also be one of them.

Ok. Oh no. I shudnt say it that way. I cannot start off this new life demoralising myself. Right? RIGHT??
So yeah..i guess whatever happens...i'll just remind myself that history does repeats itself and i shud stop it from happening again..
Like, don't do work in the last minute?
But can't help it laaa...Well i shud try.
And definitely to STOP procrastinating.
Heh i shall see if this resolution works.

Ok enuff of that. Exactly a month till the semester starts anyway.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-3:11 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

*October 2004*
*November 2004*
*December 2004*
*February 2005*
*March 2005*
*April 2005*
*May 2005*
*June 2005*
*August 2005*
*October 2005*
*March 2006*
*April 2006*
*May 2006*
*June 2006*
*July 2006*
*August 2006*
*September 2006*
*October 2006*
*August 2007*
*April 2008*
*May 2008*
*June 2008*
*July 2008*
*August 2008*
*September 2008*
*October 2008*
*November 2008*
*March 2010*
*April 2010*
*May 2010*
*June 2010*