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Wednesday, August 30 ♥

Where's the zebra crossing

Hur hur looks like our friend, Diana orang gila, has a new blog huh..

Last night, while waiting for OC, i spent that time trying to get a new look to my blog. Hahahha.
First it turned out stupid, than it looked like a zebra-crossing, now is this. I dunno why i have to do that. Something different, perhaps? Miah!
And other than that, helped out diana with her new blog and we had a hard time figuring out bout her tag board allignment. So much for having our HTML module huh... I like her skin...I mean this image on the skin.

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Orang gila!!! What are we gonna do for hols!!
I told her, lets go and exercise, as to burn off the fats that's gonna pile up within the tissues.
Hur hur. Cool. Play badminton? Cycle?
And i suggested iceskating. Ok i'm gonna kiss the ice rink all the time i'm there. And to find out i have lots of blue blacks on my knees and bum.
When shall we, orang gila?

Okay, tomorrow's teachers' day celebration, which i'm goin to. Sadly Arfah the repunzel cant come coz she has attachment. OK not a repunzel anymore, coz she just cut her hair!!!
I wanna see! I wanna see!! I WANNA SEE!!!

What shud i bring for the teachers ah?
Hmm...maybe i bake a cake and let them puke?
Ok seems like not a good idea.
Maybe make a portrait of their faces? Hmm...good idea..They'll complain that they look uglier..
Ok. another bad idea.
Maybe....I shudn't bring anything.. Ahaha!!
Can they bring me stuff instead?
Yes, possible..Hmmm...

Ok. And again...I dunno what to do today..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:12 AM-

Tuesday, August 29 ♥

I want I want I want..

Today is just my first day of semester break. As what i've listed of what to do for the hols, yes, i read the papers and a book. Tooda! And yes i've watched tv.
But somehow, i feel like baking. Brownies? Cookies? Hahah. Bet it'll gonna taste as bad as it did. Anyways, gonna try again someday lah huh..

I watched Siti Nurhaliza's wedding reception on tv3 yesterday!! Held at KL's convention centre, the field size banquet hall looked awesome! Donned white silk draped down from the ceiling, flowers bloomed everywhere, EVERYWHERE.., and the dais was AH SO BEAUTIFUL!
Hahah. If i were to step into that hall one day...i would be all so mesmerized by it. And what more the bride herself!! She was sooo...like cinderella...Her face was soo cute. Hahah besides beautiful as ever. Yea cute. I'm sure a make up artiste from indonesia did that cute thing.

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Some celebraties performed at the reception...and i read from the papers that Taufik Batisah was there too! Wow not bad ah..
The best part was, when she sang her latest song..It was recorded after the solemnisation event. Wow that was fast. The song is extremely beautiful.. And the best part is that she composed it!
Hahah. Ok i'm so happy for her.
Selamat pengantin baru!

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I want a wedding like that too...

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:41 PM-

Monday, August 28 ♥

There goes this sweet seventeen



As soon as i finished the last paper just now, i kept thinkin of where to go, and i have no where to go.So i headed back home and grab old chunky's bbq chicken puff.
And i was thinkin again...what the heck am i gonna do for this 1 month+++ of vacation.

So this were the things listed in my head:
1)Make sure i read the papers everyday
2) Read a book
3) Compose new songs
4)Watch tv


And the list stops.
Damn. How more can i get myself busy??
Fine. This thursday i'm gonna go back to my O' school css. Meet the teachers, watch a "hopefully-fine-concert" and meet my O' friends.
Saturday for drama. Ok that leaves me with tuesday, wednesday, friday to rot at home.
Grr...Then next week?? I'm gonna rot again the whole week, and saturday, shud be drama again.
Then the following week...Man..i hope i'm gonna have a holla good time celebratin my sad birthday.

OH NO!!!!!!!


Damn damn damn. What am i gonna do...
I think this year's birthday would be the same old sad boring birthdays i'd ever sumhow-celebrated.

Tsk tsk.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-4:10 PM-

Saturday, August 26 ♥

How to fold a shirt

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-6:51 PM-

What is Marketing?

1.You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, ";I am very rich. Marry me!"

That's Direct Marketing.

2.You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says "He's very rich. Marry him."

That's Advertising.

3.You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm very rich. Marry me"

That's Telemarketing.

4.You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl You get up and straighten your tie; you walk up to her and pour her a drink You open the door for her, pick up her bag after she drops it offer her a ride, and then say, "By the way, I'm very rich. Will you marry me"

That's Public Relations

5.You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says, "You are very rich"

That's Brand Recognition

6.You see a gorgeous girl at a party You go up to her and say,"I'm rich. Marry me&" She gives you a nice hard slap on your face.

That's Customer Feedback


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:16 PM-

Friday, August 25 ♥

My Idol

The end of week is almost here.. 4 papers done. 1 more to go next monday. Weehee...and finally holidays!

Monday's paper was marketing. As told what topics would be tested, it did. The paper was okayyy...At least i could recall the stuff i learned while revising and sleeping at the same time. Whahah.

Essentials of IT paper was suppose to be very fine but i couldnt remember much! So i ended up squeezing my head (literally) at the very last 10 minutes and tried to squeeze the hidden answer beneath my brain. Yes i know it's BENEATH the brain. Can somehow feel it lah. But too bad it refused to come out so as usual, wrote whatever crap i could.

Next was accounting. AHH INI DIA... This was all the paranoia is about. Seriously seh..the day before the paper starts after the last paper, i and a few more of my friends went to discussion room and chiong through to prepare for accounting. Lucky thing jian xiang was there to help. He's damn good lah.. The next day before the paper starts we even came down to school earlier to have the last sprint for the paper. And when the paper starts, it was somehow a relieve coz at least they look familiar and not some alien language.

And YESTERDAY'S was c maths! Arghhh!! I didnt practice much lahh...couldn't answer much questions...wahhh i can never be profficient in maths man...dari kecik sampai dah tua skarang.

Now i'm gonna really bang on the last paper. Web application-HTML, javascripts, css and many many more.. Hahah so much for being an IT idiot. And i hope i could be one of the geeks sooner. So you guys can call me Rocking Geek. Nice jugak eh..

And today, is a friday. I thought wanna start studying for the next paper tapi cam malas arr...
I wanna go out!! Buy stuff!! Hahaha. And meet mister.

Hahah after marketing paper i rushed home just to watch it ok. You know many people has been asking why why why did she marry the datok. Ohh man...Dah bagos dier kahwin, kalau tak, tak kahwin jugak dier. (Translation- Good enough she's getting married, if not, she will never get married)

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She nikah(solemnised) in one of the mosque in KL. Wow, really like some princess getting married man.. With all the hantaran(wedding gifts from the bride and groom) being brought in by her dancers. And finally, she's taken.

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You know what next monday she's gonna bersanding(wedding ceremony) and it will be telecast too...and and...I'm gonna watch!!

Some people may hate her, but i respect her, and i really idolise her. If it was not for her and her songs, i wouldnt be like singing a lot now okay.

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Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:49 AM-

Wednesday, August 16 ♥

In dire state of paranoia.

I'm seriously freakin out. Exams is next week, and i still cant get the concepts in accounting. Oh man oh.. I've been readin up the lecture notes to seriously understand everything, but nothing seems cling onto the roots of my mind. I know i shud have like done it properly during tutorials and all but heck, it didnt work. So much for last minute work. Other modules, i hope i can finish memorising them on time. And oh yah...C maths...
I'm dying on it. How man how? HOW??

I actually check out with some of my friends how are they doing for revisions, and i think they're coping well.. I was tryin to seek help you see.. but guess have to wait till friday for maths extra lesson. By the time it would have been too late lah.. I havent even touch past year papers... I'm extremely lagging man..
I planned to finish up accountings and start on maths tmr...but it's not running well seh..
See, i'm now stucked to the tv. Watched The 70s show and Anak Teruna on tv3..hahah not bad ah the show. About 4 siblings and 2 of them are kinda sissy.

I was all so semangat to study for everything. But now..got some technical failure on the brain.
Calling for engineers and technicians, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok today's wednesday. Singapore Idol tonight!!! It's time for Rock and Roll baybeh!!
See! See!! How to study!!
Tmr's thurday..the following day is friday..then saturday..then sunday...and OH NO!!! 1ST PAPER!!!! MARKETING!!

Ok re-shuffling revision schedule.

I feel like buying more lengthy t shirts and more jeans. And a skirt perhaps? Maybe a pink one?




Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:42 PM-

Monday, August 14 ♥

Mat love

Least then we expected, we had more.
Seldom could we see deep into each other's eyes.
Almost midnight, it felt nothing like a rush.
What we had was a new feel of adrenaline rush.
You smiled, i blushed.
You're my new crush.

Somehow like the good old days, this was better.
No make-up on though, it doesnt matter.
You were captivated, so did i.
You know why.
Coz you lay your head on mine, and i rest my arm around you shoulder.
That's the unusual, oh well, just who we are, duh.

It's almost 12 midnight! Man, got to go..
My mum's afraid if my dad get to know..oh no..
But he's asleep though..
Your dad's callin you home, oh that's another unusual one.
You're late too, guess you'll have to run.
See you next 2 weeks. Gonna miss you my only one.
Say goodbye, say goodnight.
When u're home sms me, aite.

I can still feel the new romance.

I love Mat love..

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-3:51 PM-

Saturday, August 12 ♥

Cheerios to oneself

It's been long since we part.
It's been so long since we play together everyday.
It's been so so long since we walk the talk to school and back home.
It's been so so so long since we shared all joys and tears, and dream of being what we wanna.

It has been, extremely long since i feel the love of being a friend, to a bestfriend.

It's really sad that what i used to have is partially gone. Or maybe a part of me of being someone i used to be is partially gone too. I cant tell. I dont know. I wudnt want to know.

There are friends, whom you can laugh with. But there are hardly any, u can cry with.
I really dont know how indirectly shud i say this.
Am i anti-social?
Yea, it's not that i'm anti-social, but i hate being with people. This, i said before.
Ok before i run off track, back to, the bestfriends i used to be with.

Where are they now?
I mean, i know where they are physically, but where's the real one i used to know.
Have i not started a friendly conversation, to catch up on things with them? I have.
But, it just seems that, what i was tryin to do was not acknowledged.
I dont feel the warmth. I dont feel welcomed. Have they had so much better things to do? than to entertain this annoying creature?
Where lies the mistake?
I can understand that everyone in this world is rushing thru time and be occupied with things that can be so technical in life. But where lies the comfort and strength... It's all around, its everywhere.

I feel as if i'm forgotten. I know i shudnt be feelin this way, but it just struck me after havin a conversation with an old friend. Something wrong somewhere..i cant tell.
I've ignored it long ago and tried to go on with life, but, seems like something's repeatin itself.

Ok. this entry is so unexplainable. I'm so sorry if u tried so hard to understand every single word and links in it. That illustrates how exactly i'm feelin now.

Nvm. Get over it. Some things are meant to happen that way...
"Mungkin ada hikmah disebaliknya.."
But we cant sit still and keep quiet.
So...oh man...juz get on with life...
Good things will happen when u least expect it.

Today is my unfriendly day.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:00 PM-

Thursday, August 10 ♥

I wanna. I wanna. I wanna.

Someone said this to me.
"Wah posing nampak.. Step jambu jekk.."
Commenting on my msn display pic.
Yelah... memang dah tak jambu sebab tu nak kene step jambuuuu...halamakkk...

Hahha. It's been a longgggg time since i pose here and there tryin to capture the nicest pic i cud possibly get. Coz my cam is dying on me. Please revive... Forgive me...dear camera..

Ok. HAH. TODAY. No lessons. Just a test. Yes, the last test for business communications module for this semester.
Gua mau CHIONG ah...for this cumin exams nx 2 weeks. I'm always sayin this u noee....Last last tak chiong pon.
You noe i'm always caught watchin tv these days. What to do.. Good shows must watch mah.

ok there's so much singlish in here.

Tomorrow only c maths lecture n tutorial. And ACTUALLY, i'm suppose to help miss president of stage arts to clean up the mess in the club room AND the store room. Yes IT IS SO DAMN DAMN DAMN MESSY. Errrr i wanna help....but i have sumthing BETTER to do.
Gua sudah ckp mau chiong apa..

I really envy girls who really dresses well for school. Hahahahahahh. Serious. You noe nowadays i cant really be bothered to really dress up. As in, wear skirt and acceptionally thick make up or anything. Not malas lah... but i juz think that if i do that, it'll gonna be worst. I'm gonna look like what i'm not suppose to look like.
And my HAIR. GOSHY. MESSY. My face? Hahaha no comments. dots dots. You noe wat is dots dots? Yea..u noe. Coz juz now as i was waiting for my friend at school, i saw this girl..she's really pretty and she wears skirt..and wears make up..and wears perfume..and and and..Yea...IT IS SO NORMAL TO SEE THAT IN SCHOOL LAH... Wah if you walk pass business block, ah kau, belambak seh gurls who really dress up. And everytime i walk pass them, i look just like any nyonya..hahahah. Ok i dont think like nyonya..hmmm...like....ergh. like myself lah... Backpack, jeans, $5 belt, t shirt, and shoes..shud i call dem skate shoes. Hahaha. Ok not nyonya.
Haiya... You know that day i went to school with a skirt..short...ok above the knee lah...One of my friend was sayin she's not comfortable seeing me wearin that coz she has never seen me wearin that before.
Erh. Sumtimes i'm juz confused with myself. Wanna be a feminine elegant lookin girl..or this hip and cool chick, or a rockstar. HAH HAH. ALL I WANT DUDE.

I'm just thinkin of what to wear tmr...OK NUTTIN. I I MEAN. NUTTIN GREAT. YEAH. erh sick.




Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:06 PM-

Wednesday, August 9 ♥


I'm wearing red. Are you?
If you're not, then you should wear white instead.

Do you have singapore flag outside ur home/parapet/window/balcony?
I don't. Coz my parents chose not to.
Ok so how was national day parade? Hahah. I'm always so hyped up bout it. Well, i just watch it at home laaarr...
But! I'm always so excited bout the contigents march in n all.. Hmm...Why... I love watchin ppl in uniforms.

HAH HAH HAH. AND those G.O.H in white.

You know...before it even reached national stadium, it went pass my house, i mean flew above.
And within seconds, it reached the stadium. Now i can imagine how small singapore is.

Ok. so yea. That was MY national day.
I wish yours too.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:07 PM-

Saturday, August 5 ♥

You know whaaat....
I slipped while exiting the kitchen and really dropped flat facing the floor man..
One of my veins is like running off track.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:23 PM-

Juz another update.

General meetin with StageArts peeps this mornin...We're havin a camp!!! Immunitika camp. That's what they call it. It's for this comin september...before puasa..And you know what's the theme?
Basically we're gonna be divided into tribes... get involved in a war... conquer a piece of land, AND GAIN SUPERIORITY....
WOOHOO!! I'm expectin sumthin real fun and extravagant? Hmmm extravagant for tribal life...
Just imagine if we set up real tribal huts...cool.. And'll you'll get me wearin leaves around my waist and on my head, tochang my hair...and paint my face white and red.
Eh? That's red indian rite?
Anyhoo...hope its fun.

I'm in the school's comp lab now actually. Meetin mister very very soon......
I juz got to noe that there will be fireworks at esplanade tonight. WANNA GO!!! WANNA GOO!!!
But i dont think can eh..... I have to get back early.... good rite.

I feel like gettin sumthin. Like, a...err....toy?
There was this huge offer at Taka larrr.....I think it's still on.
My gosh, he bought four huge taka bag full of toys laaa... Batman laa...terminator laa..superman laa...and maybe gettin summore...
My gosh gosh gosh.

I'll show you those sumtime laterrr...

Ok gotta rush off now!!
Happy happy today!!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-12:40 PM-

Thursday, August 3 ♥


Hey ya'all..wassup yo yo yeah..yo yo.................yeah! YO YO YO!

Whoa...Missin this blog. Yes. Update! Update!Update!!
A lot of things had happened while i was away. As in, A LOT.
You know, i'm in tmt for StageArts , so i had a COUPLE of events to work on.

1st was 'Orion' singin competition, which i had to work on as the backstage crew. So, hah, basically what i had to do was to give commands and orders to the contestants. So fun.
In that same week, i did sounds for malay cultural group's play. That was fun too.
You know, standing in the control room at the top of the theatre, watch the whole play..laugh at comical scenes, cry at morbid scenes..and waiting for my cues to play songs at different scenes. So exciting.

The followin week, I was in VoiceOut singin comp. This time round, NOT givin orders to contestants. hah.
Wahhh...the whole of that week had a lot of tests man...Need to take in the pressure n uncontrollable nervous system for the comp. Rehearsals after rehearsals...Wah, i thought it was a real tough fight. And i was so, so, cannot imagine what kind of standard the judges would look for. And i cannot believe it whenever my fellow contestants kept practising their songs and i was there, not practising and tryin to hold back the feelin of this-is-not-any-kind-of-game.

See!! They are all practising, and what me??

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Well, i thought i should give my throat and diaphragm(how do u spell it) some good rest to give the best ever performance. Chey wah. Hahah.

I was the second to sing. N when i watched by the backstage the 1st singer to perform, wah, shockin man. The music juz cut off, and he sang without music. But salute him ah.. he worked with the crowd well. So, by then i juz thought, woh, juz do whatever i can ah..and to the best of my abilities. I didnt have any supporters then. And i thought that i wudnt get any cheers or anything ah....BUT THEN...when i appeared on stage, there WERE poeple cheerin for me!!
Shoutin out my name!! And Cheerin!! Yeah! I was truly touched ah...Wonder who they were.
So the song began...and there i performed...

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So, after the whole thing, i had nothing else to worry but the results. Hmm actually nuttin so much to worry ah..coz everybody deserves that good experience.

And results time. WAHHHHH i cud hardly show that i'm fine..coz i was juz, too scared to face it.

"What if i dont win? Juz not my luck. What if i win? Hmm, dont think i will." Hah.

3rd place...ok not my name. 2nd place....ok not my name, and dont think those emcees wud call out mine for any position laaaaaa....hualao.
And the champion goes to............................
And i heard ppl shoutin "Unfaithful! Unfaithful!!"
Hey familiar....That's the song i sang!
"Yeahhh!!! The champion goes to Farhanah!!"

There i went front stage receivin my prize from MASASHI, this japanese guy frm this local band, SawLoser. Then i stood by the 3rd and 2nd winner. Like want to cry ah...but cannot too much ah.. It's like, something i've never achieved a long time ago seh...and i hardly won any singin comps in the past. Err like as if there were many.

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Tak sia sia my bro asked me to sing Unfaithful by Rihanna.


Nah, not acting, but i was appointed the prop master for the event. Wah this one more stress.
Kena scoldin. Knock on blocks...Bruises on knees...Wah 1 whole week of stress.
So this was how we relieve stress...
Before the show..

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The TMT members.....Yeaa the crews..

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But the result of it on the actual day. Gratifying ahh...Work done. Good show.
During the debrief, our drama head and president gave roses to the cast ah... Hahah. I was hopin that i cud get one coz i've never received any. Hee. But sadly, none for me....

"And the last group of people, very important people...yea very very important..the TMT members!"
Woohoo!! We received CARAMEL HAZELNUT CHOCOLATES from the TMT head. Wahhh...so touched ah...

Hahah. Seems like alot of good things happened eh?
BUT, not too happy...coz i've got exams cumin. Ahh that one another one... Need to buck up ah seriously... I skipped lots of lessons prior to those events i was busy with.
This past weeks..tests after tests....and html project to be completed....Almost done actually. Juz a lil bit of editin here and there...

For now, i have to worry bout exams..17 days more to go...
Man, gonna have a tough time here, coz i havent even started on the revision.
So, will see ya next time babes and dudes....Next time eh, i hope not too long...hah.

PS to dear self: The more you laugh, the more you will cry.. If you're so happy now, you'll be sad later on...So, just do your thing , and you know what it is.

Goo gooo goo goo gooo...!! Ah waddeeheck.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-6:22 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

*October 2004*
*November 2004*
*December 2004*
*February 2005*
*March 2005*
*April 2005*
*May 2005*
*June 2005*
*August 2005*
*October 2005*
*March 2006*
*April 2006*
*May 2006*
*June 2006*
*July 2006*
*August 2006*
*September 2006*
*October 2006*
*August 2007*
*April 2008*
*May 2008*
*June 2008*
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