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Sunday, September 24 ♥


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:29 AM-

Saturday, September 23 ♥

She's hot but she's not.

When there's school, we complain. When there isnt, we complain too.. Wassup with life of kids like us man. I mean, teens. Or youths. Or kakak-kakak. Ergh whatever.

So kids schooling out there, treasure your school life k. An advise from this kakak here. Hahah.
Wahlao.. 3 more weeks to wait for school to reopen. Work has been a nightmare for me. Imagine a little kid going to school for the first time, they cry and cry and not wanting to leave home for school, and worst, to see their wicked looking teachers.
That goes the same for me. Almost every single day.
I dont know why, but seems like this is what i have to learn before i step into working life later on.
This is what you have to do when you're in that world

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:00 AM-

Wednesday, September 6 ♥

Macam mana.

I seriously dont know how to start off with this entry.
Ok i've started it anyway.

I've started work. I seriously dont know how i shud continue 5 wks of this.
It's not physically straining.Not mentally either. Emotional at times.
You really need to be professional enough to handle different situations. Some debtors like gangsters, you know ah..wah it takes alot of patience man..

Haizzz...how to work like this. If not i'll be complaining of boredom everyday..and for every entry i post.
I guess..i'll have to endure...Hahah a person like me can hardly endure..complain non stop. Ok i shall not.
By now u can tell how much i try to convince myself rite?
Ok i'm blabbing. Like nyonya.

Oh yah. On my way back. I saw that pervertic looking stalker who tried to stalk me last time. He has sharp eyes man..he saw me! Oh man..apa lagi..i try speed up ah..scared seh..lucky day time...feel like lodging a police report. But he hasnt do anything to me yet thou. ERRRR...

I need to send flyers around the area.
Another job.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:26 PM-

Monday, September 4 ♥

Rotten. Blistered.

Lobangs for part time jobs, anyone??

This is the first time i'm being well driven to look for a job. I was always so lazy to even look up for advertisements in the papers. I have NEVER taken any job.
Tomorrow gonna go for interview and stuff.

So schedule for today!
Err. Rot.
Fine that's the only thing i'm most profficient in. You too rite, babes and dudes?
I'm waiting for my fries to heat up after frozen. Then goreng time.

Ok last nite i watched siti's wedding at kuala lipis. I mean i watched on tv. It was..boringgg..
What you expect, the third wedding telecast. Hahah. I've watched it all.

Holidays are the only time when you finally feel like doing school work.
Believe or not.

When you cant rot any further perhaps.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:57 AM-

Sunday, September 3 ♥


I almost died of boredom today. Thank goodness my dad finally asked us out.Basically my parents and i lah..Both my bros are out somewhere out there. Soo...we went to Suntec City!!

It has really been a long time since we really really walk and take a good look at the place. Dont mention shopping lah, i can hardly shop with my dad around. And now then i realise how big the place really is. When we're there, we just grab some finger food and ate along the way. Ahah i still havent eat my brownies from Polar. So yeah..walked around restaurants lah.. furniture shop lah.. And can you imagine it's non-stop walkin?? My leg pain okay.
The worst nightmare was searching for our carpark zone. Goshyy.. It took longer than anything else lah..
Finally we went to eat. Somewhere else. Ate chicken rice! At Selera mckenzie road.
Ok so now my stomach's bloating.

I've been really conscious on the way i look these days you noe.. ok lah pratically everytime i look into the mirror. I keep thinkin that i'm fat. *_*

Ahuh. Programme of the day!! I'm waiting for Siti Nurhaliza's wedding at 11pm. It's not live telecast. It took place this noon actually. Hahah. By now you should have realised how much i'm so semangat about her. Ok actually right, i'm not her die hard fan or anything. I mean, i dont show it laa...Deep down inside, that's where the truth lies.
Does it sounds really wrong? I hope not.

I wanna eat my brownies. But i'll get fatter!!
Fine. I'll eat it anyway.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:22 PM-

Saturday, September 2 ♥

Stupid game. Or am I stupid.

Subject: FW: mind game - must try!


2% or 98%

This is strange...can you figure it out?
Are you the 2% or 98% of the population?

Follow the instructions! NO PEEKING AHEAD!
Do the following exercise, guaranteed to raise an eyebrow.
There's no trick or surprise. Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at
a time and as quickly as you can!
Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you've done each of them ...really.
Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss >>something.)

>> > >> Think of a number from 1 to 10 Multiply that number by 9

>> > >> If the number is a 2-digit number, add the digits together

>> > >> Now subtract 5

Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to the number you ended up with

(example: 1=a, 2=b, 3=c,etc.)

>>>>>Think of a country that starts with that letter.

>> > >> Remember the last letter of the name of that country. Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter.

Remember the last letter in the name of that animal.

Think of the name of a fruit that starts with that letter.

Are you thinking of a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange?

I told you this was FREAKY!! If not, you're among the 2% of the population whose minds are different enough to think of >>something else.98% of people will answer with kangaroos in Denmark when given this exercise. Keep this message going. This one is actually worth sending on to others. Forward it to people you know so they can find out if they are usual or unusual.

I was actually thinking of an alligator in australia eating

rambutan. Whakakakaka!!

Ok. So, i am so unusual.
Are you??

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:07 AM-

Friday, September 1 ♥

You are the moulder of our dreams..


Yeah, so I was WAITING for Linie near her 2nd house, which was very near canberra sec.
It was suppose to be 9.40am but she came down nearly 10.30. Ah that wasn't the worst i've waited thou. So as i stood there cursing to myself for always being nice to people, i heard loud cheers by the school hall. Yes they were having teachers' day concert. I planned not to came early to watch it coz i knew it gonna be the same old stupid school concert. So i heard the music goin n all...and i heard Hindustan song. AHHH typical of this. But i thought only the legendry vinod my friend would always perform such things. So i thought, ok maybe the juniors are doing it. So i waited and waited and waited x 101,000,000,000 and finally linie came.

So there we were at the school, we went up to the school hall and i found out that it was REALLY VINOD WHO PERFORMED THE HINDUSTAN SONG, along with his dancers.
The first person we met ws the person we wanted to see as priority, MS JOYCE LEE, our form teacher for 5 LONG YEARS. Goosh.
We were introduced to her sec 1 kids...and and and, THEY WERE WEARING THE T SHIRT I DESIGNED FOR THEM!!!
Ahi'msoproud. So there we met hakim fitry haikal khairil zarinah Lorraine etc etc.
AND MR Z, the respected 'undertaker' fierce MAN.
AND MR NASIR, the irritatingly nice PE teacher and i still can remember he hit my upper chest with a softball(which was pretty hard)back in sec 2.
Hah then we went to ms lee's form class 1N2 and had some feast there. Wah wat a nice word.
So gedebak gedebuk. Went to staff room bla bla bla...then to GENERAL OFFICE where we ALWAYS SEBOK SEBOK when we were still in that school.

Tribute to the teachers:

Ms Joyce Lee, if it wasnt for you, i wouldnt be who i am today. You moulded be into a confident lady, who will always be well driven and somehow be a feminist like who you are. hahah. But ure the pro-feminist. I'm the 1/4 pro. hee..

Mr Lathif, i would not have passed my maths if it wasnt for you. I had never passed my maths way back in primary school. And when you thought me, that was the only time i know how badly i have to pass my maths. I could still remember the time i cried when you got irritated of me, that i still didnt know how to do an algebra question.
You are so brotherly and cute, and what we call you, Papa bear. Hahah.

To cikgu adam who is no more teaching in the school, i will always bear in mind the things you thought me. All about religion, and as an individual. Thank you so much cikgu.
Cikgu pon handsome tau. Hahahah.

Mdm Tan, you transformed me into a lady of steel.

Mr Terry Lee, you made me a good musician, leader, and music conductor.

Mr Nasir, at least i know how to catch a ball.

Mr Siva the Singapore brainiest teacher aka mr Triple Nine, i will still remember your jokes and your kind acts to people who treated you bad.

And to the rest i've not mentioned, you have a place in my heart..


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:28 AM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

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