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Saturday, June 28 ♥


GOOD MORNING!! I'm up very early this morning and had many many sips (Is that the right word?) of fresh air around the area. Freshen up. And here i am.

Waiting to get ready for drama later and i cant wait to meet all my juniors, coz i want to see them behaving well. hahahahah. what a reason.


Well yesterday, me and sara had a really successful plan to surprise Anjana and Syidah for their birthday. Well its so belated, but who cares. We don't care.
We actually told them that we had something to tell them and it's really serious. Something really surprising to us as well and we are scared to let them know. I was so nervous. and sara was also nervous becoz i am.
So they came up slowly to us and said,
"Well you can tell us and let's talk like professionals. If we have a problem, we can solve it professionally."
Somewhere along that line. i cant remember.coz i was laughing madly inside.

And so i took out our gifts for them, and they probably thinking it's some big document to sign on, and TADAA!!! we gave them this!!



Hee..nice? nice?

And me being so confident included the baby picture. See that baby picture so big up there???
Yea i thought it's syidah. BUT ITS THE NIECE!!!


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:15 AM-

Thursday, June 26 ♥

Concentration, concentration, this is the game of - CONCENTRATION

June 26th 8:35 am. Feeling better than yesterday, but the feeling is not totally off yet. Thanks a lot to the dude, for giving me another brighter side of the whole situation. Never thought of it. Well now i do.

People don't just act in a particular manner for no reason, there must be a reason behind it. To avoid you from being too caught up with something, that you neglect some other things.

I realise.

But whatever it is, I am not letting down all my responsibilities. Everything must be in place, and be the best that they can be.

Now, my eyes are just so swollen. It feels like i'm not opening my eyes at all laa..
Luckily got my eyeliner and all to cover up. Shhh...


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:34 AM-

Wednesday, June 25 ♥

Nothing i can be proud of anymore.

What do you do when someone asks you to stop doing what you like?

What do you feel when someone stops supporting the thing that you do?

And what do you feel like doing when that someone acts like he/she is actually interested in hearing what you have to say, such as like eg; when you tell him/her that you've won an award. (Ok maybe not award, but just something that i'm very confident of saying that makes EVERYONE proud. Seriously.And you've received much compliments.)

I feel like cursing, but it's just rude. Very rude. Well in a way, i just did.

(Crying inside-out)

I'm so dissapointed.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:06 PM-

Monday, June 23 ♥

I surrender- Rainbow

I am so loving this song, coz i also love the way the vocalist shakes his butt at some parts of the song, especially at the beginning. Sexy! HAHAHAH.
He sounds damn good.
I think my dad have sung and played this song before when he was in the band. Wonder if he shakes the same way too..HMMM....

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:02 PM-

Thursday, June 19 ♥

Discovery channels and discovery centres

What has discovery channels got to do with discovery centres?

Well obviously both are informative and informative.

But that's not all, we do have it in NYP. I mean, i discover things about discovery channels in NYP, and also the things that are in school which makes it look like discovery centres.
(I apologize for the frequent attempt to make things sound complicated. Its more of a hobby than a habit.)

Discovery Centre

NYP can be a place like discovery centres where you often find things you've never seen before.

I've never seen this "botanically gardenished" park in school. Its a cool place to... well i told sara its a good place to henky-penky.
Complete with benches and trees, and water fountain. Very ulu summore the place. COOL AH!

There are also some places where i discovered while jogging around the whole perimeter of the school. Most are carparks, and the 1st level (underground) of each building.
Err..it's sumhow ulu also...errr also good to..err.. henky-penky.
Yeah. Coz it's dark, and quiet.
Hee hee.

So the other thing is nothing about the school, but the Singapore Discovery Centre itself. Well i and sara were talking in msn while doing FYP in lab, so donno how the topic about missing going to school excursions came out. And one of it is Singapore Discovery Centre.

I noe some of you guys must have rode this thing where it moves so vigorously and you have to pay $2 for it. We forgot the name, and sara said, Terminator? Gladiator?

But we found out the name is Stimulator, and i was thinking, "Ride that thing to stimulate what siah!!??"

Sara said, "What you thinking?"

I said, "Think what? Nothing lah!What you thinking siah!, i mean maybe stimulate the adrenaline for the person riding the thing."

But i noe what you were thinking Saraaa... ish ish ish.
Whoever needs a stimulator, go to discovery centre.

Discovery Channel

So we went to North Canteen to meet Anjana and the rest like Syidah, Arathi and Khai.
Somehow we landed with the topic "If you want your breast to be big, do not breast-feed"

And Anjana came out with the BEST Theory.

She said, women in Africa have to hang their breast over their shoulders to prevent dehydration.
That's why you see in the discovery channel that their breasts are saggy and low low low.

And Khai believed her!!!

Nonsense Anjana.

And we even discovered MOREEEE about 1 person, and we made up stories about another person.

Well shan't elaborate here. Sorry. Hehe.

At times i find myself not making sense. But who cares, just write lor. Just wanna update this blog, coz i hardly do. heh.

Oh yah..i was actually supposed to be posting up pictures rite..But lazy arh.
Hahahahaha. See how ah nx time, next post.

Oh yah my supervisor hasnt come in today, and it worried me alot coz that means he's coming in tomorrow!!!

No no nono nooo...

FYP IS tiring. Coz the only thing you do is to make your feet cold and your butt grow....sidewards.

Shall rant more soon.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:29 PM-

When cravings call...

U must answer.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-9:03 AM-

Wednesday, June 18 ♥

What's the problem?

Seems like this season is the "Problem" season.

There's never a time where people are saying "No problem" anymore..

She's having a problem with her, he's having a problem with sumthing, they're having a problem with her, she's having a problem with them, and i'm having a problem with them, because of their problem, and i'm having a problem with myself, coz i can't be solving all their problems, coz it's not my problem what.

That's one problem.

Another problem is, i'm still not settled with my programming problem. Having nightmares oredi dammit.

So back to the problem which i was talking about earlier.

Mainly the reason is "PEOPLE". People are hard to control, we can't control people, only they can control themselves.

Secondly the reason is "Emotions". Emotions are hard to be dealt with, who knows to deal with it?

When people and emotions come together, it becomes emople. I mean emo-ple.
And you noe what emo-ple means?


So its all about dealing with PROBLEMS, AND NOT EMO-PLE. Coz you can't really deal with emo-ple.

Like the title states, what's the problem? Why do these problems have to come at the same time?

Is it just to create more problems? or plain coincidence. Obviously coincidence lah. So what happens when coincidence happens. And the thing happen to be coincidental is problems.
So it becomes coinblems. I mean coin-blems.

What do you do when you encounter coin-blems. Means you will go headache, because:


And that sucks man.

Coz i'm really stuck in the middle thou not really involved in it, but have to get it dealt with.

Trouble isnt it?


That's the 1st advice. Well doing something in the attempt to solve it is the thing that helps you drive out of the situation. It can be anyting, be it listen to all the explanations, weighing the best solution...it might help.


That's another good advice. Very very good advice.

If you try to attempt to make everyone happy, it would almost be impossible, or rather, unachievable. Coz everyone has different needs and wants. Satisfy all of them? Yes, be a superhero 1st. It's always best to get something done in a way that it's achieveable. If that something can be achieved, means you're one step ahead.

Now i really dont know what to do, i know i'm sticking to my advice, but its just so hard. I cant think properly right now. I need to get a solution quickly!!

My deadline is almost up! What do you do when the time is up!!??

3rd advice:


Have a good night sleep!!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-11:19 PM-

Friday, June 13 ♥

The Phone Call

1)Never stop whatever you're doing while on the phone with someone important
2)Never decide to lie on bed while talking on the phone with someone important
3)Never sleep while lying on bed


4)So continue whatever you're doing and talk at the same time so you dont doze off.


Can't help it. Either just too tired, or just typical of me.


(Guilty always)

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:34 AM-

Sunday, June 8 ♥

I'm still in the mood of shopping. I WANNA GO I WANNA GO!!

Actually bought a couple of stuff yesterday and it's still not enough.
You know why? I am a normal human being. Normal humans like to see nice stuff, so its inevitable for me to avoid that.

And better still if it's cheap. NOT because it's GSS but whenever i see things on sale, better make it a worth one.

Eh, my blog posts ah, so boring siah..

Now i'm writing one for the sake of writing one.

I've got a couple of things on my work list.

SHIT. @@@@. Havent done any, tiring you know..

I dont find any use of talking alone through this blog.

Talk to this guy better.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-7:37 PM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

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