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Wednesday, July 30 ♥

My back is aching

Again, i said, my back is aching.

I think in three weeks time i'm gonna finish doing my FYP. (I sound very unsure. "Duhzz!")
Firstly, i have yet to complete the whole project. Not only that, havent done documenting on this new and so ever canggih system called the "AES" which stands for Accumulated Sharing System. Wonder why we need to share our projects to the next generations. And all our project is gonna be there till, ETERNITY. Believe it or not. Believe it, yes.

So for those who have been wondering how is it like to taste FYP, actually you cant help it but to eat junk food every day (without fail) and make those vending machines in school cheat your money, to make sure you keep yourself awake, store all kinds of music in your PC, (incase your MP3 battery low) have a library of magazines underneath your desk, make good friends with people to help you *wink wink* if you wanna go 'par tor' before 6pm, go for all sorts of meetings (hint hint such that those which concerns your beloved cca). Yea all these are better done, but definitely the project itself.

If you happen to complete a little task that day, have a break, continue the next day. If you were to spend the whole day completing 3 to 4 little task, you will have back pain and heavy head. So have a break.

Never sit all day long infront of the monitor, not good for your eyes and your body.
Walk around school, and get some nuggets or chocolates. Good for your energy.


Eh i'm teaching the wrong thing lah dey.

Ok everyone knows you have to complete your project in 12 weeks. Never take your time. If you have problems, dont sit on the problem. Ask around and keep looking for solutions. Go to the library and get some books. It might help.

Nevertheless, you'll never fail to just keep staring at the monitor wishing that it can help solve your never solved problem. THAT DOESNT WORK. Ok?

Actually i'm just telling myself all these because by right i could have finished it weeks ago, but i keep delaying and delaying and delaying. (Oh also because i was busy with other stuff what..hint hint such as those which concerns your cca)

I'm having a back ache, BECAUSE, suddenly, not running away from lab to go to student affairs office or the Theatre for the Arts. That's why body pain, stuck all day in the lab, and no running around school.

Ok but today! i have a meeting for PolyForum. Can escape. NYAHAHAHAHAH...

*Credits to Sandra, my partner for FYP. These are my lab mates. Hee :))

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:34 AM-

Saturday, July 26 ♥

StageARTS Annual Production 08 -Delirium

And so this is the last StageArts Annual Production that i'm gonna be involved with and future productions will be attended by me as an Alumni.

Delirium. It went the way i wanted, indeed, the way everyone wanted. The actual day went so smoothly (despite the 1/2 hr delay), from the preparation before the show starts, be it the make up, the last run through, the touching up, the ldDt minute changes, the reception, audience coming in, everyone had a seat, the theatre was full, even some had to seat on the steps, basically what we planned was what we got. It all went well!

Delirium was indeed something different, from the ones we had before. It's not any ordinary story that can be easily portrayed on stage. It could've been done much easier if it was in movies. Getting the characters to really bring across the feelings and message was hard. But we all managed to bring all the fragments together and let the play flow. Personally, what i like alot bout it was the artistic touch to it, like from the transitions to the effects to the songs and the moves. Overall, it's COOL! Like STYLE AH!

Bringing the committee together, was really tough. Bringing the 4 departments together was even tougher. So many different problems popped up along the way. Not being able to compromise and cooperate, not being able to understand one another,not to have the same objectives. But we have gone through this, together, as StageArts.

All these would not have happened if any 1 of us were missing. Every one was responsible for making this a success. If 1 was missing, we cant do it, we all play a part.

From the planning stage, getting the script written, proof read, planning the budget and getting it approved, making admin mistakes and re-doing it again and again, problems with having external lightings and solving it, getting publicity done, getting things done on time and not getting it beyond datelines, we've gone through these obstacles together.

I should really thank all my committee members.

Sara, was always there with me when we had to settle some very important things.Too many things to mention. Mainly, some things that we have to settle with the officials.

Rabia, was my right hand man. She is like my backup drive, to activate when my switch is off, or circuit loose, or screw loose. Basically, to revive back the energy. like battery charger ah.

Anjana, really really thank her to get things done quite easily. The photos looked great, the posters are nice, the tickets are,(despite the last minute) cool! (and and i did the background (proud of myself for this hahaha) everyone knows) and your script is, oh wow how more can i explain. Basically its Anjana and her creative and artistic touch to all of it.

Syidah,despite all the things that, you know what, you've stayed strong, and you made the actors grew stronger. You gave them the skills and you made them realise how their characters have to shine. Your personal touch to the building up of characters was, i believe, much appreciated by all. You've grown and made them grow.

Allison, ur assistance to get audiences for the production was much appreciatied and the reception was well done! No problems occurred when getting the audience to their seats.

Wawa and seha, you juz made things look more beautiful. As simple as it may sound, the cast look great on posters and on stage. Thanks for bearing with us. You juz made things went smooth and nice.

Inah, juz so great to have your uncle to take photos. Despite the changes in the dates and cancelling to have him for photoshoots, you still helped to get him for the actual day. And help sara count receipts properly ok. HAHAHA.

Erny, i am so proud to see your TMT members work together and understanding every single thing that they have to do. am really really proud of them. you've lead them the way it's supposed to be.

Mei Xian, thanks for bearing with us. Despite all the whatevernotsandsuch you still did a great job in bringing the dancers together with us. Very happy to have all of us as one.

Thank you all who have supported us from the start, and who've watched the show, thank you alumnis for taking your time off to watch. Thank you rene, you've brought in most of the alumnis together back again and watch it together, to witness what stagearts is supposed to be.

Not forgetting the Dude, at last, you came, and witnessed it all. Thank you so much for coming, appreaciate it a lot.

For all the casts, dancers, crews, backstage people, costume makers, backdrop designers, prop builders, ushers, you've given a very good impression of StageArts. I AM SO PROUD OF EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, namely:

Yi Yan
Rabia jnr
Zi xin
Hui En
Him Gee

Did i miss out anyone?? I believe i do. Man pardon me, it's a damn long list. Which means to say that we are one BIG FAMILY!!!!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-10:23 PM-

Tuesday, July 22 ♥

The Mouth?

Make it or break it.

F**k all the emo shytes. Who cares if i'm crying or if i don't. I'm being such an ass now. Too many harsh comments from this itchy backside mouth frm these days. Something's really wrong, really really wrong. People do get hurt GET IT!?

I shall keep quite and stop being a chicken backside mouth. (Donno what's the word, blame it on English teacher, or just getting the wrong usage of words.)

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-12:44 AM-

Thursday, July 17 ♥

This might be me

I always look like this.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:45 AM-

Wednesday, July 16 ♥


StageArts Annual Production 08
25th July
7 30pm
Theatre for the Arts
Nanyang Polytechnic

Are we prepared yet?

I'm not acting for the production. Maybe sit as an audience? Or give the cast and crew support from backstage? Or help out with the crew. (Anjana can i be the super extra supporting cast? :S) but i wanna have some last chances to act before i call it off. Hahah. Like before you get married or something? Kinda sad. Maybe i'm not born to act, because i only picked it up in 2006. Then have a couple of stage appearances in 2007. Now it's 2008 and am gonna graduate next year 2009. Insyaallah.
And so i might not be acting anymore.

Let me recall what roles have i got so far..

1)Open house as the "living doll" with the other 3 girls.

2)Club crawl acting out the monolog as a lesbian
3)StageArts Nite 2007, whom bestfriend(a girl) fall in love with me. (Lesbian again)
4)StageArts Annual Production 2007 "PEOPLE"- As this workaholic bitchy mother screaming non stop
5)Alumni Nite - One of the Vampires but wearing Military Band Uniform WHAT THE..

6)StageArts Nite 2008 - Wedding Planner whose singing sucks.

The only chance that i might have after this would be MAYBE Drama Night, and Alumni Nite, where we will also hold the club installation; Passing down time...

I have a couple of things i would LOVE to do for stage performance in the near future. 1 of it is doing voice sound effects. Sound stupid? Yeahh just trying to be innovative. I don't wanna use music effects and such, that's why..HAHAHA. macam real.

Yeahh..as for this coming production, let's hope it will be a success!

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:54 AM-

Tuesday, July 15 ♥

What is this post for, actually?

La la la tam plong!

Ok that was unnecessary.


That i bloghop every morning? And so i will CONFIRM visit certain blogs that somehow now becomes a daily routine, no matter how much you wanna puke at every single blog post. I'M SO MEAN!! Eh by the way this is in general okay? Yeah.. so i'm always very interested in what they have to say for the day. One of the most interesting highlight of the blog is about; LOVE.

And sometimes i feel like talking about mine, like how wonderful and exciting it can be, how your other half treats you, how you love them so much, how you miss them, and you cant live without them and you will die if you don't meet them for more than 1 day. Am i exagerating? Maybe not.

When i see others, such as their love life, i will somehow reflect on mine.
All i can say is, treasure your love ones. Maybe you don't meet them for almost 2 weeks, but absence makes the heart grow fonder (Macam kenal eh?). And really really appreaciate the way they are, if they're nice to you, don't take it for granted. If they don't call you, doesn't mean they're not thinking of you. And you're thinking of them, maybe they're thinking of you too :) (Aku bual macam paham..)

Nevertheless, i oso cannot tahan arh.. If i dont get a phone call or a message, i will just wait by the phone.
Eh! But better not to wait by the phone! When it's time, you will receive one.
Hehe, but me being me will give many many many miss calls. HAHAHAHA. not funny.

What is this post for, actually?

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:52 AM-

Thursday, July 10 ♥


Lunchtime performance yesterday was splendid!

The Drama Juniors (year 1s) made me proud for once. HAHAHAHA. (Year 1s, if any of you HAPPEN to read this, i meant it well.)

And Anjana, if you also HAPPEN to read this, i know lah its your group, that's why so good right.

Yana and Kaye, if you also HAPPEN to read this, i know you guys incharge right, that's why very very good la.



OH!OH! AND APART FROM THAT RIGHT, you know why i'm so happy while watching their performance? Coz i was also enjoying FREE POPCORN AND CANDY FLOSS.
Candy floss i took 3 times and popcorn 4 times.

This is the 7th week of FYP and i'm back to slacking. Well to think of it, not slacking, been running round the school actually. PRODUCTION IS COMING AND WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! 2 MORE WEEKS LEFT.

Can they feel the pressure? Do i feel the pressure? Gosh this is scary coz i'm not.


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:42 AM-

Monday, July 7 ♥

Farhanah no voice = non existence

StageARTS camp was reaaally tiring. Because 1st, i had a fever and also a flu and cough, at the same time i got too enthusiastic for camp that i started shouting and screaming like there's no saturday and sunday (btw camp started on the friday) and on that night, i lost my voice. SAD. VERY SAD.

So for the rest of the camp i had to cheer up the crowd and all with my pathetic voice.

Quite saddening that for the last day of camp, didnt get the crowd too well. Could have done much better with a full force powerful voice.

So 1 lesson, never go crazy on the 1st day of camp. (But i was juz feeling so crazy lah seh.)

2nd lesson, when you know that you have sore throat and no more voice, dont force yourself to cause obviously it will get worst. I was too stubborn.

Farhanah no voice = non existence


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-5:05 PM-

Stuppid Malay Poem



Just because my poem so stupid doesnt mean you must do this to me SERVER!!!

Oh yeah by the way i just got to know the whole school server was down.

1st time.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-4:35 PM-


Dimana pengubat rinduku
Ku menanti sehari suntuk tak henti-henti
Terlena dan dibuai mimpi yang tak senonoh sekali
Disaat aku ditiup hawa dingin, ku tidur lagi
dan tak bangun sebab ku malas sekali

Hai mambang tanah, mambang angin, mambang api, mambang lain(?)
Apa kao merepek da
Aku bangun makan roti
roti bakar disapu kaya dan marjerin enak sekali
ku me-message mu tk henti-henti jugak
Dan aku cakap "...." (aderlah bende yg aku cakap)
Kao tak yah nk kepo ok. hee

Sekarang aku tak happy.
Sebab nak kene tunggu besok besok baru jadi.

Paham? Tak paham kan?

Ok gi baca blog lain.

Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-4:22 PM-

Wednesday, July 2 ♥


Eh! Eh! This morning i feel like listing down my favourite food. Can?

1)Tom Yam

Dip in more Chilli Padi la auntieee... Baru power!! I can eat Tom Yam like everyday.
Ok lah not everyday lah, maybe a couple of times per week.
Last Friday ate Tom Yam, Sunday ate Tom Yam, Yesterday ate Tom Yam Instant Noodle.
And i havent eat the tom yam noodle, its at home.

2) Otak-Otak

I cannot resist the smell of otak-otak. When i smell it, means i have to get it.
You know yesterday i was in the train and i smelled otak-otak. Got this ah apek brought in otak-otak with him lah seh. He stood beside me! *Erghm*

And you know what! I had 3 otak-otak this morning! You know where it came from? From my fridge. And you know how did it get into the fridge? Coz i brought it home. and you know when i brought it home? 12 June 08.

3) Burger Ramlee

I kinda love burger Ramlee. And you know what the dude said? If you wanna buy burger ramlee at pasar malam, and there's like so many stalls selling burger ramlee, you observe the guy who does the cooking. He must be; Perspiring (Basah kuyup punya. Baek dok!)
Then confirm the burger will be nice.

4) Waffles

I also cannot resist the smell of waffles. When i smell it, means i smell it, i cannot run away from it, if not enough money to buy right, you know what i do?
Stand near the waffles shop for a couple of minutes and go. Enjoy the smell only lor.
I want waffles!!!

5)Sausage mcmuffin

Thats the best burger for me from macdonalds. When i eat it, i enjoy it like heaven ahh.. But the only downside of it is you can only get it before 11 am. WHATA!
Oh oh, can i have it now? OK after this entry.

5)Super Spicy Ramen

Have you tried it!? WAHHHH...POWERRR AHHH..Actually its nothing lahh..the taste ok ok only. But the reason why i like it so much is because its spicy to the power of 778. When you eat it ahh...SHIOK AHH...you hingus all come out. Cry cry cry non stop.

6)Eh what else ah?

Next time continue arh. Very hungry arhhhh....Yum yum yum


Kadang-kadang aku pon
bebual sorang

-8:36 AM-


♥Hannah Montana

♥ 12th September 1988

A girl who lives a double life as an average girl by day and a famous pop singer by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than to her one and only Hady Mirza.♥

*October 2004*
*November 2004*
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*June 2005*
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*April 2006*
*May 2006*
*June 2006*
*July 2006*
*August 2006*
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*October 2006*
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